"Feng yun ren wu" is a movie with a simple story outline: Shang Li is suspected of murder. He runs away, and while the hunters search for him, they have plenty of time to think again. Maybe Shang Li is innocent? Isn't there someone else around with a much better reason to commit that murder? Which takes us into the second half of the movie where much more kung fu fighting takes place than in the first.
Although "Feng yun ren wu" is nothing unusual for the genre, it has two points which make it recommendable. First, Shang Li is not the typical hero with superhuman skills. He knows less about martial arts styles than his opponents and simply strikes with his right fist. Naturally, he needs a lot of determination to cope with this disadvantage! Second, the set design is beautiful for a cheap production. The rooms never look empty, they are very colorful, and the photographer has a couple of creative ideas what he can achieve with an aquarium or transparent curtains. All in all, it's just a cheap kung fu flick, but apparently more effort than usual was put into it, at least by part of the crew.