Bora Todorovic credited as playing...
Alex Rossignol
- Marilyn Jordan: [disbelievingly] There seems to be a lamb in your car.
- Alex Rossignol: [derisively] Yeah... we got him very very... cheap.
- Tirke: [a comatose man has a knife sticking out of his forehead] Isn't this exciting, Marilyn?
- Marilyn Jordan: [stunned] I've never seen anything like it in my entire life.
- Mustapha: ...I think I have a fever.
- Marilyn Jordan: Oh!... You can talk!
- [giggles nervously]
- Alex Rossignol: If he knows what's good for him, he'll shut up.
- [speaks Serbian]
- Marilyn Jordan: Who did this to him?
- Alex Rossignol: His brother.
- Marilyn Jordan: His brother? Why?
- Alex Rossignol: He cheated at cards! He had it coming to him.
- Alex Rossignol: It's a Gucci shoe. Any cow with money can buy a Gucci shoe... but this one belongs to the real lady, who has Gucci foot! There is some difference.