Annette Miller credited as playing...
Helene Griffin
- Vincent Millett: [Millett knocks on the door of the office of Helene Griffin, the headmistriss] Can I have a word with you, Miss Griffin?
- Helene Griffin: Not right now, if you don't mind, Professor Millett.
- [she shuts the door in his face and turns to Kathy, a student in her office, who is upset that Millett dumped her]
- Helene Griffin: Now, why didn't you tell me about this sooner?
- Kathy: [crying] I thought it would go away.
- Helene Griffin: You can't love a man like that. He's a self-centered ruthless man! You'd think he'd have more sense than to have an affair with one of his students.
- Kathy: [sobbing] I thought he really liked me.
- Helene Griffin: And I'll tell you what. His teaching days at this school are over. I am not going to allow that Professor Millett to use this school as a playground for his sexual exploits!