Ernest Borgnine credited as playing...
Sgt. Willy Dunlop
- Willy Dunlop: Now I'm not saying they weren't counterfeit fish, but even if they were, there's no law against it. Or is there?
- The Chief: You're the one who gave him only five minutes to get here.
- Willy Dunlop: Well, then he's got an answering service! That's what he's got!
- Dave Speed: That's not true, Sarge.
- The Chief: I remember one time in police college I painted myself green and pretended to be a Martian!
- Willy Dunlop: Yeah, that's great, Chief.
- Dave Speed: [sensing something] Watch it, Sarge!
- Willy Dunlop: [stops the car] What the hell are you trying to do? Kill us?
- Dave Speed: I didn't want you to hit the elephants.
- Willy Dunlop: [looks around] What elephants?
- Dave Speed: [sees a group of elephants crossing the street] Those!
- Willy Dunlop: [shocked] How did you know those elephants were going to cross in front of us? I didn't see them. That means you didn't either!
- Dave Speed: I don't know. Intuition.
- Dave Speed: Why are you so mad? It's like you're sorry I'm still alive!
- Willy Dunlop: Well, what do you expect? If a man is in the middle of an atomic blast, the least he can do is drop dead!