Patricia Quinn credited as playing...
Dr. Nation McKinley
- Cosmo, Nation, Nurse Ansalong, 'Rest Home' Ricky: [singing] You're not just lookin' at a fast-food king/Just another well-known face/You're not lookin' at the king of anything/
- Farley Flavors: I'm gonna shoot for the moon/I'm gonna play high noon/I'm gonna take on the entire human race/
- Cosmo, Nation, Nurse Ansalong, 'Rest Home' Ricky: You're not looking at a king/
- Farley Flavors: You're looking at an ace...
- Female Television Announcer: First and foremost, Farley Flavors' fabulous fast foods feed and fortify families for a fabulous future.
- Cosmo McKinley: Romance is not a children's game.
- Nation McKinley: But you keep going back; it's driving you insane.
- Nation: [singing] I feel the heat from your skin and the stubble on your chin, you're no good/
- Cosmo: You're no good/
- Nation: You've got dirt on your hands and everybody understands you're no good/
- Cosmo: You're no good/
- Nation: Oh, what a joke/
- Cosmo: What a joke/
- Nation: You feel like choking/You play for broke/
- Cosmo: Play for broke/
- Nation: He leaves you smoking/
- Cosmo: Oh, romance is not a children's game/
- Nation: But you keep going back/It's driving you insane/
- Cosmo McKinley: [singing] I'm not a locum with motive to suture myself. I've been a cynic for too many years. Playing doctor and nurse, it can be good for your health. I've seen clinics with those gimmicks in Tangiers.
- Nation McKinley: But if you open your heart to a smooth operator, he'll take you for all that you've got. He'll hand you a curse that'll be with you later. It'll shake you the way he takes off... like a shot.
- Cosmo McKinley: How dare this person take advantage of my weakness!
- Nation McKinley: I don't think he intends to go *that* far.
- [she and Bert chuckle]
- Nation: [Bert is about to peep at Janet showering] Hoopla, Bert! nice to see you up and about. Care to join me for on-set snack?