An alternate ending (scripted but then rewritten) for "Something to Tide You Over" found two policemen dropping by to investigate Richard's panicky-but-true claims of Harry and Becky invading his beach-house. When the policemen (predictably) laugh at his story - thinking he's drunk - Richard attempts to prove this by showing them camera footage of both undead stalkers. Instead, the television plays his incriminating conversation with Harry before and during the latter's burial-by-the-sea.
Richard protests that he's been set up, that this is the wrong tape. "Oh, it's the right tape all right, pal!" the police answer. "And speaking of rights...!"
The film smash-cuts from there to Richard's murder trial; he is convicted and sentenced to death row. Another smash-cut finds Richard in the gas chamber, laughing hysterically even while his life is choked out of him: "I can hold my breath for a long, long time...!"
Richard protests that he's been set up, that this is the wrong tape. "Oh, it's the right tape all right, pal!" the police answer. "And speaking of rights...!"
The film smash-cuts from there to Richard's murder trial; he is convicted and sentenced to death row. Another smash-cut finds Richard in the gas chamber, laughing hysterically even while his life is choked out of him: "I can hold my breath for a long, long time...!"
While he was all business in his scenes, Leslie Nielsen had a fart machine in his pocket during the shooting. He would let it go off during rehearsals, and just before Director George A. Romero would call "Action," causing Ted Danson and the crew to crack up with laughter.
King was told to play Jordy like Wile E. Coyote, the way he looks when he goes off a cliff.
Rice Krispies were used as maggots on the corpse's eyes in the first story, "Father's Day." In addition, real maggots were also utilized.
Joe Hill: The son of Stephen King (and now a successful author in his own right), as the boy featured in the movie's beginning (avid reader and collector of "Creepshow" comic books).