Freddie Jones credited as playing...
Kenneth Aubrey
- Kenneth Aubrey: When the first rumors began to filter out of the Soviet Union some three years ago, our theoretical weapons strategists stood before NATO command to explain - with much confidence - that it would take the Soviets a minimum of ten years to develop a Mach Five aircraft with thought-controlled weapons systems. I stand before you today to explain - with much regret - that we were wrong.
- Buckholz: [learning false news that Gant was shot down] Well I guess that's it. We might as well all go home.
- Kenneth Aubrey: We don't know that he was shot down.
- Buckholz: The hell we don't know! You tell me. An explosion over the Kara gulf, Wire COM hears it! Our reconnaissance planes report it!
- Kenneth Aubrey: *We don't know* he's lost!
- Buckholz: Really? Then what was all that coded stuff we intercepted between Bilyarsk and the Fire chain stations? They got him, Aubrey! They blew his ass right out of the sky!
- Kenneth Aubrey: I don't know. It could mean they didn't get him. Admiral, I think that we should notify Mother 1 to begin transmitting the signal.
- Admiral Curtin: Right, it's time. Arthur?
- Buckholz: [softly] Yeah.
- Kenneth Aubrey: [speaking about the KGB] Remember, we are playing on their only real weakness. Because of it's very size, the KGB is, sometimes, slow to awaken. It is like a monster. If you can walk by carefully enough, it may just lift an eyelid and sniff at you. But, if you awaken it...