Don Messick credited as playing...
Giles of the Treetops • Lo Tae Zhao
- Giles of the Treetops: [in the soup pot] I'm near parboiled to a fare-thee-well, but I'd sooner be cooked than crushed by that thing!
- Princess Melisande: ... Father, who are these Brothers? You've never spoken to me of them. I know you're the Green Wizard of nature's realm, but the others?
- Carolinus: My brother Solarius is the Blue Wizard, lord of the depths and the heights. His realm is outer space, deepest ocean, highest mountain.
- Solarius: [reading Carolinus' message] ... My brother calls council, but why? Lunarian! Lunarian!
- [His dragon-companion appears, Solarius steps onto his back and they fly away]
- Carolinus: ... And my brother Lo Tae Zhao, the Golden Wizard. His realm is light and air; he is lord of transcendence, healing, and contemplation.
- Lo Tae Zhao: [reading Carolinus' message] ... I was expecting this; it was inevitable. Shen Zhu! Shen Zhu!
- [His dragon-companion appears, they fly away]
- Carolinus: And finally, high in Loathly Tower, my last brother Ommadon, the Red Wizard. Lord of the devil's domain, seducer of darkness, master of that heartless magic the world calls black.
- Ommadon: [laughs] Bryagh! Bryagh! My fool brother has just realized the inevitable. Well, I'll go; it should prove amusing. Bryagh, I say!
- [His dragon-companion appears in a blaze of fire and they fly away]
- Carolinus: ... Astride the terrible Bryagh, he is absolute ruler of that inferno-like mass of primordial filth which is his domain.
- Princess Melisande: But why does antiquity force you to include something so abominable?
- Carolinus: As evil is a part of all things, evil is a part of our world of magic. For the irony of all existence is that good would be totally impotent, without the contrast of evil.
- Carolinus: I propose we create the last realm of magic.
- [an image of the realm appears on the table]
- Solarius: Magnificent!
- Lo Tae Zhao: Incredible!
- Carolinus: The magic realm, where all enchanted things might retreat before their age ends. If we consolidate our powers, there will be enough magic left to create such a place, sealed off from the rest of the world by the mists of invisibility.
- Ommadon: You would defeat science and logic with a foolish retirement village?
- [laughs]
- Carolinus: Not defeat, my brother, enhance!
- Aragh: Well, whoever is doing the shooting, god bless him. He certainly can handle a longbow.
- Sir Orin Neville Smythe: I trust he's on our side.
- Aragh: Look! There he is.
- [a slim figure in green approaches]
- Sir Orin Neville Smythe: Good show, man. I bow to such expertise and doff this helmet to a better man than I.
- Danielle: And I doff my cap, to you Sir Orrin.
- [sweeps off her cap; her long red hair tumbles down her back]
- Sir Orin Neville Smythe: By all that's holy!
- Danielle: I am Danielle of the woodland, Sir Orrin.
- Sir Orin Neville Smythe: You know me?
- Danielle: My father sang of your exploits. You have always been a hero of mine.
- Aragh: [chuckling] Oh-ho-ho, too good to be true.
- Sir Orin Neville Smythe: Hush!
- Danielle: You must forgive the wood elves. They are petty outlaws, but good at their jobs. And this is their leader, Giles of the treetops.
- [leaning in to look at Giles]
- Danielle: For shame.
- Giles of the Treetops: [abashed] We saw the dragons. We thought they were Ommadon's raiders. A thousand pardons, Sir Orrin. Had we but known...
- Sir Orin Neville Smythe: Oh, think nothing of it, little fellow. The way things are nowadays, we all get a bit mucked up.
- Danielle: [to Giles] Get your men down from the trees and awaken the dragons. Hurry, now.
- [to Sir Orrin]
- Danielle: Whatever your quest is, I should be honored to join.
- Sir Orin Neville Smythe: Well, it's a bit unusual... but, speaking for myself, I should be honored - nay! Delighted to have you.
- Carolinus: Tonight, after you both have returned to your realms, I will turn to Antiquity for the choice. Its wisdom shall prevail.
- Solarius: Well, whoever Antiquity chooses, your leader will have his job cut out for him. I leave him this - the Shield of Saturn! Forged from the mystic dust of her rings, it will deflect any dark magic spell.
- Lo Tae Zhao: I have only implements of peace, but perhaps he will find the Flute of Healing Sleep useful. It is from the Temple of the Muses. When played, it will lull the most fearsome dragon to sleep.
- Carolinus: Thank you, good brothers. Ommadon will not prevail, and his crown shall be captured.