Vic Noto credited as playing...
- Wife In Car: Hurry up, let's make the light. You know how much I hate this neighborhood.
- [Bronson approaches]
- Wife In Car: Honey, here comes one.
- [Bronson pushes down on the hood]
- Wife In Car: Oh! Look! Look what he's doing to the car!
- Husband In Car: Don't worry about it. Everyone's got to make a living you know.
- Wife In Car: Honey!
- Husband In Car: Don't do that. I'm only gonna...
- [to Bronson]
- Husband In Car: Hey, how're you doing there? Vet, huh?
- Wife In Car: He's touching the car.
- Husband In Car: Look, I'll handle it, it's okay, alright?
- Wife In Car: Look what he's doing to the car! He's touching the car!
- Husband In Car: Let me handle it, okay?
- [to Bronson]
- Husband In Car: How're you doing? Y'know, I'm a G-3 at Fort Swansworth on weekends? The Reserves? Y'know they let me shoot one of those M-12 machine guns, y'know those ones you guys had in 'Nam? Pretty fun. Can y - can you get this spot right...?
- Wife In Car: Get him away from the car!
- Husband In Car: [Pointing] Just this spot...
- [Bronson grabs him, pulls him out of the window]
- Bronson: [Curses incomprehensibly] Let's go!
- [He slams Husband In Car's face into the car windshield. Wife In Car screams. Bums flee in terror]
- Bronson: Weekend warrior.