- Clarence: I'm sorry, now, little lady, but I can't pick up no hitch hikers.
- Robin Kitteredge: Um, Praise the Lord Stop! Won't you save me from a couple of Satan-worshiping rapists!
- Clarence: Devil, you say!
- Paul: You know he could've killed me with that club! And the truck would have killed him! And the poor guy loses all his chickens!
- Robin Kitteredge: It was an accident. I must have kicked something inside the truck.
- Paul: No accidents just seem to follow you around, don't they? Well, I'll tell you what! One more episode out of you young lady, I'm gonna hurt you, and bag you, and throw your ass in the trunk, so don't push me alright!
- Robin Kitteredge: [Mocking Paul] Alright.
- T.S.: [laughs]
- Paul: You think I'm kidding! You think this is funny? And that goes for you too, guy!
- T.S.: What!
- Paul: This isn't funny!
- Paul: [Paul and T.S. are walking in the woods after Robin has escaped] Do you realize it's gonna take a miracle to catch her now? She's got at least five hours on us!
- T.S.: Hey, I ain't worried about her anymore! I'm worried about my feet, okay?
- Paul: Oh God... I can't believe I'm blowing this! A major opportunity with the senator, the chance of a lifetime, and I'm blowing it, T.S.! I need a miracle...
- [they happen upon a general store and a drunken Junior next to his Porsche]
- Paul: ... I... I need a Porsche.
- Junior: [throwing down beer can] Damn you, Missy Butler.
- [he falls down passed out]
- Paul: That can't be the same guy.
- [beat]
- Paul: Thank you, Lord.
- [runs up to the car]
- T.S.: What are you doing?
- [starts after him]
- T.S.: Hey Congressman, you're outta your mind!
- [Paul takes keys from Junior's limp hand and they steal his Porsche]
- Officer Merle: [on his radio, with a drunken Junior in the back seat] Uh yeah, Leon? This is Merle... I'm on 161 here at Billy Bub's place. I got a stolen 1986 Porsche...
- Junior: [drunk from backseat] It ain't just a Porsche! Zero to 60 in five seconds...
- Officer Merle: [shoves him backwards] You smell, boy! Get back on that seat!
- Junior: Full turbo carerra package, man!
- [Merle sprays pine-scented spray at him, Junior sits back]
- Officer Merle: [outside of Billy Bub's, Junior is in the back seat of their police cruiser] I don't see why we gotta wet-nurse that little crybaby.
- Officer Earl: I told you, it's directly from headquarters, his daddy's some damn millionaire.
- Officer Merle: Well, I don't give a shit what happened to his goddamn car!
- T.S.: [Paul and T.S. finally catch up with Missy and Robin at the post office... Paul goes after Missy with T.S. in pursuit, but Missy shoves him, then trips him] Whoa.
- [she reaches for him but stops]
- T.S.: Madam, I concede, you have vanquished me fairly on the field of honor, okay?
- Missy: [smiles, impressed] Sis, where I come from, the tradition of honor dictates the vanquished gentleman surrender his sword to the victor.
- [beat]
- Missy: You do carry a sword, don't you?
- T.S.: [smiling back] Say what?
- Robin Kitteredge: [Paul grabs Robin by the ankle as she tries to climb a fence] Let go, let me go!
- Paul: Robin, Robin...
- Robin Kitteredge: Let go of my foot! Let go of me or I'm gonna scream! I'm warning you, I'm gonna scream! Let me go!
- Paul: Robin, okay!
- Robin Kitteredge: You act like I'm asking you for the world! Let me go!
- Paul: Robin, I said OK! Robin, damnit! Will you just button it up and listen to me! I said OK! I'll take you to see your damn mother!
- Robin Kitteredge: [calms down and smiles] Oh. That's sweet of you, really.
- Junior: [Merle, Earl and Junior follow Junior's Porsche into a junkyard, Paul and Robin escape before they arrive. Merle slams on the brakes and taps Junior's Porsche into a stack of junked cars] Oh no no...
- [the Porsche gently taps the stack, but unharmed]
- Junior: Oh... thank you Lord. You must drive a Porsche yourself.
- Junior: [Junior gets out of the cruiser just as the stack tips and crushes his Porsche] Oh my God, no no no!
- [he beats on the hood of the police cruiser and cries... both cops start laughing hysterically]
- Officer Merle: Hey boy! There's your damn little Porsche!
- Robin Kitteredge: Mom?
- Blanche Kitteridge: [shocked] Robin.
- Robin Kitteredge: I surprised you, huh?
- Blanche Kitteridge: You look fantastic, Robin.
- Robin Kitteredge: I guess you're wondering what I'm doing here. This is going to sound crazy, but Dad's trying to put me away in a reform school. So I got my friends to drive me here. They're right outside. See, they're my friends, but they work for the senator too. I was thinking you could maybe call him and talk to him... he doesn't really care anyway.
- Blanche Kitteridge: And then what?
- Robin Kitteredge: And then I could stay here with you.
- [Blanche looks at her sadly]
- Senator Kitteredge: [as Robin and Paul are waiting for the headmaster at Ashcroft after they've arrived... the senator appears with the headmaster] Hello.
- Paul: Sir!
- Senator Kitteredge: You know, for a while there, I was afraid that I had picked the wrong man for the job.
- [extends his hand]
- Senator Kitteredge: Congratulations, Tracy. A job well done.
- Paul: Thank you. Thank you, sir. I didn't expect to see you down here.
- Senator Kitteredge: Fundraiser. Came down at the last minute.
- Paul: [the senator has slapped his daughter, he tries to do so again, but Paul catches his wrist] Back off, Senator!
- Senator Kitteredge: You're in on this too, aren't you?
- Paul: Your daughter is a fine person. She doesn't belong in here!
- Senator Kitteredge: She belongs wherever the hell I send her! And this is none of your damn business, Tracy.
- Paul: Yeah? You know you really had me fooled for a while, sir? I thought you were a good guy... maybe even a great man. But now I realize you're just a big asshole.
- Senator Kitteredge: You don't talk to me that way.
- [Paul tries to get past him, but the Senator blocks him]
- Paul: [to Robin] Let's get out of here.
- Senator Kitteredge: [restraining Paul] Oh no you don't...
- Robin Kitteredge: DAD!
- [she punches him, Paul punches an orderly, both he and Robin flee]
- Grace Kitteredge: [shrieking] What're you waiting for? Get him! Go!
- Blanche Kitteridge: [Blanche has just crashed the gate in her pickup] Need a lift?
- [Robin, Paul, T.S. and Missy all pile in]
- Blanche Kitteridge: Robin!
- [they embrace]
- Senator Kitteredge: Blanche, stop! Stop or I'll press charges!
- Blanche Kitteridge: Did you say something about charges?
- Senator Kitteredge: Breaking and entering, child endangerment.
- Blanche Kitteridge: Yeah? Well, how does this sound? Statutory rape, the babysitter in Seattle, remember? Or bribery, the defense contractor at Irvine, huh? You so much as breathe one word of this, buddy, and I'll have your dick in a pencil sharpener!
- Senator Kitteredge: Well Blanche, this may be true...
- Blanche Kitteridge: Oh, something else. Come here.
- [the senator leans forward, she sucker punches him]
- Stu: [pulls the car over and aims a pistol at Paul] Sorry to do this to you buzzards, but business ain't what it used to be. You know why?
- [smiling as Paul shakes his head no]
- Stu: Because nobody's got a sense of humor no more, that's why!
- [laughs]
- Paul: [nervously] Is this some kind of joke here?
- T.S.: Yeah, it's a squirt gun.
- Stu: [Stu fires his pistol out of the open passenger side window, splitting a thin tree in two] I want your wallets, your watches and your rings! Toss them up there on the dash!
- T.S.: This is my watch.
- [he tosses it on the dash, Paul throws his valuables on the dash as well]
- Stu: Hurry up!
- Paul: I don't have a ring, mister.
- Stu: All right. Now get outta the car!
- [they exit the car]
- Stu: Take off all your clothes! Let's go! Take 'em off!
- [they strip to their underwear, Stu fires two rounds at their feet, laughing]
- Stu: Now run!
- [fires another round, they flee]
- Stu: . See you in the funny papers, boys!
- Blanche Kitteridge: Robin, your father is a very powerful man... and it's impossible to keep him from getting what he wants. I tried years ago when I left. There was no way the court was going to give me custody. I used to tell myself that it was all Clark's fault, but that wasn't true. I couldn't go through it again, Robin... I couldn't.
- Robin Kitteredge: I shouldn't have come.
- [she turns to leave]
- Blanche Kitteridge: Robin!
- [Robin pauses]
- Blanche Kitteridge: You've got to understand... there hasn't been a day that I haven't thought about you. Dreamed of what you've become, what kind of friends we could be. If I thought I could go up against your dad and beat him, I wouldn't hesitate. But that's not gonna happen.
- Robin Kitteredge: [on the verge of tears] You're lying. 'Cause you never would have let him take me in the first place! You can both go to Hell!