Issiaka Kane credited as playing...
Niankoro, le fils
- Niankoro, le fils: [subtitled version] I have offended you. To redeem Bambara honor, I merit death. I have broken my nation's laws. I am not asking for mercy, but... death by your hand.
- Rouma Boll, le roi Peul: [subtitled version] What's wrong? Speak!
- Niankoro, le fils: [subtitled version] By the gods, by the sacred wood, by my ancestors, I swore to help you... to cure your wife. But... my penis betrayed me.
- Rouma Boll, le roi Peul: [subtitled version] What do you mean?
- [very long pause]
- Rouma Boll, le roi Peul: Tell the truth!
- Niankoro, le fils: [subtitled version] I slept with your wife.