Ever since I was featured as a background actor in an episode (never aired)I was curious as to the reason this show only aired 14 episodes. I was working out of "central casting" at the time and holding down a job in another industry. The producers of this show wanted my image in an episode and central pleaded with me to do the show...at my convenience none the less. I was supposedly caught in a secret romantic encounter with the character played by actress Brit Thayer which was captured by one of her students with a still camera. What was unusual I was featured in a "silent Bit" that most background extra's never get a chance to do. However the episode never aired because the show was canceled a couple of weeks after I appeared in this episode.
I always wondered if I got screen credit....although it doesn't really matter anymore because that show aired more than 20 years ago.
I always liked the show even before my bit part. It was unusual and ahead of its time for sure.