I've seen many Anne Frank films, but this is one of a kind. It tells a story of how Miep & Jan Gies hid the Frank's, Van Daan's, and Dr. Dussell. This was all way before Paul Gies, Miep & Jan's son, was born. Simon Koophuis, Harry Kraler, Miep Gies, Jan Gies, and Elly Vossen were all great people, putting others before themselves in this time of crisis. Herman Van Dan, Petronella Van Dan, Peter Van Dan, and Dr. Albert Dussell were the other 4 with the Frank family. Before going into hiding, they were all fairly good friends. But these tight quarters made it impossible for them to tolerate each other 24/7. Dr. Dussell was a very kind man, he was just trying to understand a teen that was going through adolescence. Lottie Dussell didn't join her hubby because she was a Christian and would be dangerous. Overall, this is by far one of the greatest stories of all time! I hope it comes to DVD in the States someday. I remember at one time Paul Gies said that he would have loved knowing all these people.