At about 8 minutes when Klaus Kinsky enters the scene he is obviously carrying an air gun.
In a visit to town, during the whipping a World Heritage Site symbol can be seen on a wall.
Some female subjects of the king wear African waxprints which have first been produced by the Netherlands since 1880s.
When Cobra Verde (Kinski) arrives at Elmina for the first time with ten rifles as gifts, he opens up the roll of weapons and pulls out a Lee-Enfield .303 bolt action rifle, a piece that began service with the British only in 1895 - long after the events at Dahomey and Elmina actually occurred.
The kingdom of Dahomey, where the African part of the story is allegedly set, was in present day Benin, while Elmina Castle is located in present day Ghana, 500 km to the West.
The story takes place in the late 19th century, but Cobra Verde and others from Brazil do not speak Portuguese with each other but English. Also, all African characters with lines speak English, even with each other.