- 80's Horror Central [Chet Stevens]
- A Slash Above [Luisito Joaquin Gonzalez] with Pictures and Video
- Bad Movie Night [Beau Murray]
- BandSAboutMovies.com [Sam Panico]
- Creature Movie Reviews [Brad Smith]
- CriticalOutcast.com [Chris Beaumont]
- Cult Faction [Brett Summers]
- Dimension Fantastica [James Wallestein]
- Spanish
- Horrorpedia [Mondozilla]
- LAHorror.com
- Letterboxd
- Midnight Showing [Alex Seda]
- Mondo Bizarro [Alec Pridgen]
- Rivets on the Poster [Mark Cole]
- Scared Stiff Reviews [Geno McGahee]
- Schlombies Filmbesprechungen
- German
- The Bad Movie Report
- The Bloody Pit of Horror [Justin McKinney]
- The Gentlemen's Blog to Midnite Cinema [Todd]
- The Terrible Claw [Random Deinonychus]
- The Trashy Horror Charlie Show [Charlie Counselman]
- The Unknown Movies [Keith Bailey]
- Trick or Treat Radio
- Video Graveyard
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