Don Harvey credited as playing...
Swede Risberg - The Team
- [the Sox have just won the AL penant and are in the clubhouse. A row of champagne bottles are sitting on a table]
- Eddie Cicotte: What's the scoop, Harry?
- Harry: Mr. Comiskey sent these down for you. His congratulations for a successful pennant race.
- Eddie Cicotte: He didn't happen to mention when we can expect that bonus he promised us if we took the flag, did he?
- Harry: This IS your bonus.
- Swede Risberg: Cheap bastard.
- Kid Gleason: Look, fellas, if it was up to me...
- Eddie Cicotte: Kid, we got no beef with you.
- [opens one of the champagne bottles - nothing happens]
- Eddie Cicotte: It's flat.
- [Shoeless Joe Jackson is talking to his bat]
- Shoeless Joe: Come on, Betsy. A big, big wallop, now. Big wallop. Tell me when, Betsy.
- Freddie: Does it ever answer you, Joe?
- Hap Felsch: Probably sleeps with it, too.
- Lefty Williams: Lay off, you guys.
- Hap Felsch: You crackers stick together, huh?
- Swede Risberg: Ask it for a triple, Joe.
- Lefty Williams: Did you hear me?
- Freddie: 60 years since the Civil War, Lefty. Ease up.
- Hap Felsch: Besides, you guys lost. It was in all the papers.
- Freddie: That wouldn't help Jackson none.
- [Players laugh]
- Lefty Williams: Just leave him be.
- Swede Risberg: [teasing] Listen, Ray, settle a bet between me and Hap, will you? He says everybody knows how to smile, even you. And I said that your puss would crack if you ever tried.
- Ray Schalk: Go piss up a rope.
- Abe Atell: [When the players meet with him to accept the money before the first game] It's all out on bets.
- Chick Gandil: [Shoves him] That's not good enough!
- Abe Atell: Hey! Don't worry, you'll get the money soon enough.
- Chick Gandil: When?
- Swede Risberg: And how much?
- Abe Atell: 100 grand, like I said. 20 after each game.
- Hap Felsch: Wait a minute, that's 5 games. I thought we were just dumping a few.
- Abe Atell: No, you lose the first 3.
- Eddie Cicotte: Kerr's pitching the third, he's not with us.
- Swede Risberg: So what? We don't hit for him, he'll fold. He's a busher!
- Abe Atell: After that, we got to play it by the ear. We gotta make this look good, fellas!
- Eddie Cicotte: [Aside to Chick] Hey, Chick. Where's the money you promised me?
- Chick Gandil: Look under your pillow.
- Eddie Cicotte: What?
- Chick Gandil: Compliments of Sports Sullivan.
- Chick Gandil: So, if the thing with Sport falls through, then we can try them two birds.
- Swede Risberg: Why don't we just deal with them both? That way, it's twice the payoff for the same games.
- Chick Gandil: Well, what if they find out about each other?
- Swede Risberg: Big deal. What are they gonna do, call a cop?