Studs Terkel credited as playing...
Hugh Fullerton - The Writers
- Ring Lardner: Three signed confessions, that's a tough hand to beat.
- Hugh Fullerton: This is Chicago, my friend. Anything can happen.
- [about the 1919 White Sox]
- Ring Lardner: I think they're the best, Hughie. The best ever.
- Hugh Fullerton: Time will tell, Ring. Time will tell.
- Hugh Fullerton: Winslow, your boys look sharp.
- Winslow: Yeah. They're the best I seen yet. Best white folks' team anyways.
- Hugh Fullerton: Some very big money from New York went down on the Reds. Maybe they know something we don't.
- Ring Lardner: Think Cicotte's arm is sore?
- Hugh Fullerton: Eddie's had a sore arm for 10 years. Something's up.
- Hugh Fullerton: There's Commie's lawyer. He's got counsel lined up for the boys.
- Ring Lardner: I thought Commie was testifying against them.
- Hugh Fullerton: Depends which way the ball rolls. If Commie says one thing that'll hurt him in the cash register, I'll eat my hat.