In the summer of 1988, the 6th movie of the official Emmanuelle series entered the silver screen - and it was the last good one, you can easily ignore the cheap sequels of the 1990s dropped on the video market. Austrian model Natalie Uher was the 4th girl to play Emmanuelle in the official series - and she did have the looks! Natalie had posed for Playboy magazine at a very early age, so she was no beginner. The element of the exotic is always important for an Emmanuelle movie, this time locations in Brazil and Venezuela served well for that. The story avoids a close connection with the previous movies by a trick: Emmanuelle suffers from amnesia! She was found in the Amazonian forest, and now she visits a professor who tries to help her. It seems Emmanuelle was on board of a cruise ship, then kidnapped to be sold on a slave market. Fortunately, she had friends including an Indian girl... Uncredited, Jean Rollin directed some scenes for this movie, especially the scene with the snake dance appears to be his surreal style. "Emmanuelle 6" has many beautiful scenes, the love scenes as well as for example the fight of the Indians against the gangsters: flying arrows out of the mysterious blue shadows. Probably it's the most underrated part of the series. I voted 7/8/6/4/6/7 for the six cinema films.