Jan-Michael Vincent credited as playing...
Jack Collins
- Jack Collins: [about Caleek] That's the guy that killed Brian? That's the guy that's got my son?
- Frank DeSalvo: Hey, Collins, that guy is so twisted when he dies you'll have to screw him in the ground. He's killed so many people he owns his own cemetery.
- Jack Collins: Let's take him!
- Frank DeSalvo: Hey! Whoa! Buster Badass! You are playin' in the major leagues here. You do things my way, or you do it alone.
- Jack Collins: [Grabs gun] This may be your world but it's my kid! Got it?
- Frank DeSalvo: You are a real dunce-ski.
- Jack Collins: Yeah, well, fuck you.
- Chris Caleek: His father?
- [to Kenny]
- Chris Caleek: You're not Frank DeSalvo's kid?
- Jack Collins: No, he's *my* son.
- Chris Caleek: Well, go 'head and shoot! I'll break his fuckin' neck anyway!