Kelly McGillis credited as playing...
- Emily: We're oil and water, Cochran.
- Cochran: Not last night we weren't.
- [running into each other at the train station]
- Cochran: Why can't you stay in one place?
- Emily: [gasping for breath] Why do you keep on scaring me?
- Cochran: Everybody else does, why not me? Come on.
- [last lines]
- Cochran: Miss Crane? I'd still like to talk to you.
- Emily: I have nothing to say.
- [Cochran has taken a knee to the crotch during a fight]
- Emily: Are you all right?
- Cochran: [in pain] Yeah, I'm fine, I just like lying here.
- Emily: Don't move!
- Cochran: Right.
- [Emily dashes into the bathroom to dampen a cloth; returning, she places it on his forehead]
- Cochran: That's not where I need it.