1 review
MANIKA shows: - reincarnation needs no proof. A proof needs some teacher-pupil knowledge context in the matter. This french film places reincarnation as a fact to be experienced. It is like electricity, climate, etc. It is not a question of belief nor faith. It is like to see a sample of sugar and decide: - is it salt or sugar? Just taste it! So, no need to claim: "I want to believe!", an old flying disc jargon. MANIKA presents the fact as it happens, i.e., as a sample of various scenarios of multi-body experience (all of us is a part of one, make no mistake!). We seem to be strongly conditioned into the binary outmatching condition about the body we use: - we were zero before birth, we are one during life, we will be zero after body death, even when we see the sky at night! It is part of the game we play, knowing or not. Even after Copernicus, we seem to see the sun running around us. Almost everything surrounding us flash the contrary, is circle-like. Why not the body we drive? Get the experience, see MANIKA. Another film that help us to approach the truth MANIKA shows is "Beyond And Back",1978. But please, buddy, let me drink my beer in peace!