Roscoe Lee Browne credited as playing...
- Francis: [to Roscoe] Isn't it rather dangerous to use ones entire vocabulary in a single sentence?
- Tito: Hey, hey, hey! There is a lady, Francis.
- Georgette: Well, it's nice to see that one of you has some manners.
- Tito: After you, my little croissant.
- Francis: Good grief.
- Francis: My name is Francis. Fran-cis. Not Frank, not Frankie - *Francis*.
- Tito: [pulling out an old wallet] Check it out.
- Francis: Oh, shredded leather.
- Tito: Shredded wha... What you talkin' about, man? That's a primo wallet, man.
- Francis: Rubbish, you mean.
- Tito: All right, that does it, Frankie, man! You insulted my pride, and this means death!
- Einstein: Look what I found!
- [a broken tennis racket]
- Francis: Good show. Now all we need is a net and a tennis court.
- Einstein: Do you think this place is big enough?
- Rita: Cool it, you guys. It's just a cat.
- Tito: Mi madre, un gato!
- Francis: Felis domesticus!
- Rita: How did you find this place, cat?
- Oliver: I-I was following this dog.
- Tito: He's lying! He's lying! He's lying!...
- Rita: [Kicks Tito] Stop it, Tito.
- Francis: And why would a cat follow a dog?
- Einstein: Yeah!
- Oliver: I just wanted some of the hot dogs I helped him get.
- Tito: He's a spy, man! Come on, let's eat him! You're dead meat, kitty!
- Oliver: What kind of work do we do anyway?
- Tito: Investment banking, man. Didn't you read about us in the Wall Street Journal?
- Oliver: Really?
- Francis: [chucking] Yes. Captains of Industry.