The antiaircraft gun fired at the plane from the rear, hitting the pilot in his seat but did not hit his daughter Adrian who was hugging him and standing right behind him.
Adrian is using her scarf as a bandage on her father's wound before he was shot.
When the SEALs jump out of the C-130 they are not wearing their scuba fins, but they are wearing them when they hit the water.
The C-130 carrying the SEAL team was cleared to takeoff on runway 39. Runway numbers correspond to the magnetic heading of the airstrip. There are 360 degrees in a compass. Only 2 numbers are used to designate the runway heading to the nearest 10 degrees, i.e., 01 is 10 degrees, 09 is 90 degrees (due East), 18 (due. South), 27 (due West) and 36 (due North)...or any one in between, but there cannot be a 39 as there.are only 360 degrees in a circle.
The helicopter used by the North Koreans where the Navy SEAL team is captured is a Bell UH-1 Iroquois aka the Huey. North Korean aircraft are sourced from the former Soviet Union or the People's Republic of China.
Adrian's father wears the collar device of a Chief Petty Officer, and is referred to as "Chief" by Wicks and Commander Howard. However, in the credits he is listed as Lieutenant Phillips.
Several cars in the movie have the steering wheel on the right.
South and North Korea drive on the right, and have steering wheels on the left.
New Zealand, where this film was shot, have left hand drive with steering wheels on the right side of the car.
South and North Korea drive on the right, and have steering wheels on the left.
New Zealand, where this film was shot, have left hand drive with steering wheels on the right side of the car.