Liam Neeson credited as playing...
Martin Falcon
- Martin Falcon: [Martin walks into his house, drunken, to find a group of strangers] Oh great, I'm being robbed again, aren't I? Go Hamlet, kill, kill!
- Martin Falcon: [Martin realizes his guard dog is soothed by intruders] What have you done to my dog? You broke my dog!
- Daryle Shane: You have a lovely house sir.
- Martin Falcon: Thank you. What's, what's the number to the police?
- Nickie: 911.
- Mooch: Shhh! Don't tell him!
- Billy: [Martin dials] Wait! Before you do that, can you write right here, 'To Billie, I'll never forget last night... '
- Martin Falcon: [Puts down the phone] Was that you?
- Jennie: Excuse me sir, are you Martin Falcon?
- Martin Falcon: WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE?
- Martin Falcon: [walks in, drunken, to find his guard dog soothed by intruders] What have you done to my dog? You broke my dog!