Pavel Landovský credited as playing...
- Tereza: [referring to her dog] Karenin prefers Mephisto to dogs. She thinks other dogs are silly.
- Tomas: [Mephisto snorts and Tomas inhales the aroma of the food] Ha-ha.
- Pavel: Do you know why I love Mephisto? Because he's very bright, but, at the same time,
- [gesturing for emphasis]
- Pavel: he doesn't know anything! After all, he doesn't know that life is impossible here now. Nothing left here. The church is gone.
- [shrugging]
- Pavel: No place to drink beer now.
- [he drinks his bottle of beer very quickly]
- Pavel: It's good... very good.
- [slurping]
- Pavel: If you ever change your mind, it won't be easy to leave.