The movie was described as "Romancing the Ghostbusters in the Temple of Doom."
Acting and performing music come from the same place, but each requires a slightly different technique," said Cyndi Lauper "To play Sylvia, I had to learn to tone everything down. I'm used to things being exaggerated and larger than life-you know, the eyes going back and forth-because those things work in a big concert hall. To perform for a movie camera, you have to be capable of a certain stillness. That's something I've learned here that I enjoy very much."
During a 1987 interview on the set of the movie, Cyndi Lauper was asked if the costumes in the film were similar to her actual wardrobe. "I'd never wear clothes like this," she protested indignantly. "This stuff is way too subdued for me!"
Cyndi Lauper's first movie role.