I, unfortunately, have really poor quality copies of the episodes on VHS and I wasn't able to get any of the original summer replacement episodes, but I have to say this was the funniest sitcom I ever saw.
This was one of those rare shows where you got the feeling that the actors raced out of bed to get to the studio because it was just too much fun. They managed to combine some serious social issues with the outright insanity of improv in a way that did not stretch credibility. I especially liked the interactions between Dr. Stratford and his brother Richard. Richard's open homosexuality was a source of some of the most cutting, and honest, brother to brother humour I have ever seen. Even by todays "Will and Grace" gay humour standard, this stuff still far-and-away exceeds it in wit and spontinaity.
Matt Frewer has never really seemed to capitalize on his amazing talents, and more is the shame. While the show centered on him and his amazing energy, none of the other characters seemed like set dressing. Each of the supporting cast seemed to draw energy and inspiration from Frewer's antics and together they were (and in my mind still are) the best comic ensemble ever to come out of TV
CBS cancelled the show because the then president of programming said his wife thought is was stupid and didn't understand the humour ... you may notice they have gotten a new president who actually has that network back on track