This movie there's zero positives. There's nothing GOOD about this ENTIRE movie. I saw the title 100 Years of Adolf Hitler, i was expecting a movie about Adolf Hitler's life. Not five men and four women waisting my time.
There isn't a single character here that is likeable, that has any personality, that has any depth, that acts well, that is in anyway good. There's zero plot in this entire movie, we are just stuck with these 9 people doing absolute nothing and just being weird, screaming, wishing to be chancellors, saying stupid jokes.
This movie is a labelled as a comedy. I can safely say that i did not laugh at anything in this entire movie. Nothing in this was funny at all. I was just stuck here just hoping for this thing to end. The only likeable character in this enitre movie was the dog. That's the only character i liked, and then they decide to ruin that as well, for burning the dog for no reason, and every effect in this movie is cheap as hell. I dont mind cheap effects, but at least give me a story, a plot to care about anything in this thing.
There's nothing here i can say was good. Zero plot, zero everything. I honestly can not tell you one positive about this movie, oh i got one: The movie is only about 50 minutes, so it's short. That's my only positive. Everything else no. Just watch Downfall instead. This was a joke.