Christopher Lloyd credited as playing...
Dr. Emmett Brown
- Doc: The time-traveling is just too dangerous. Better that I devote myself to study the other great mystery of the universe: women!
- [Doc and Marty in the time machine are about to depart from the Alternate 1985]
- Doc: Time circuits on.
- Marty McFly: What do you mean "Time Circuits on"? Doc, we're not goin' back now!
- Doc: Yep.
- Marty McFly: Doc, What about Jennifer? What about Einstein? We can't just leave 'em here.
- Doc: Don't worry, Marty. Assuming we succeed in our mission, this alternate 1985 will be changed back into the real 1985, instantaneously transforming around Jennifer and Einie. Jennifer and Einie will be fine, and they will have absolutely no memory of this horrible place.
- Marty McFly: Doc... what if we don't succeed?
- Doc: We *must* succeed.
- Marty McFly: Where are we? When are we?
- Doc: We're descending toward Hill Valley, California, at 4:29 pm, on Wednesday, October 21st, 2015.
- Marty McFly: 2015? You mean we're in the future?
- Jennifer: Future? Marty, what do you mean? How can we be in the future?
- Marty McFly: Uh, Jennifer, um, I don't know how to tell you this, but I... you're in a time machine.
- Jennifer: And this is the year '2015'?
- Doc: October 21st, 2015.
- [Flying above Biff in 1955]
- Marty McFly: There he is, Doc! Let's land on him, we'll cripple his car.
- Doc: Marty, he's in a '46 Ford, we're in a DeLorean. He'd rip through us like we were tin foil.
- Marty McFly: So what do we do?
- Doc: I have a plan.
- Marty McFly: [arriving in 1955] Oh, this is heavy, Doc. I mean, it's like I was just here yesterday.
- Doc: You were here yesterday, Marty.
- Marty McFly: I don't get it, Doc. I mean, how can all this be happening? It's like we're in Hell or something.
- Doc: No, it's Hill Valley. Although I can't imagine Hell being much worse!
- Doc: They're taking her home, to your future home! We'll arrive shortly thereafter, get her out of there and go back to 1985.
- Marty McFly: You mean, I'm gonna see where I live? I'm gonna see myself as an old man?
- Doc: No, no, no Marty, that could result in a-
- [gasps]
- Doc: Great Scott! Jennifer could conceivably encounter her future self! The consequences of that could be disastrous!
- Marty McFly: Doc, what do you mean?
- Doc: I foresee two possibilities. One, coming face to face with herself 30 years older would put her into shock and she'd simply pass out. Or two, the encounter could create a time paradox, the results of which could cause a chain reaction that would unravel the very fabric of the space time continuum, and destroy the entire universe! Granted, that's a worse case scenario. The destruction might in fact be very localized, limited to merely our own galaxy.
- Marty McFly: Well, that's a relief.
- [last lines]
- Young Doc: No! It can't be; I just sent you back to the future!
- Marty McFly: No, I know; you *did* send me back to the future. But I'm back - I'm back *from* the future.
- Young Doc: Great Scott!
- [Doc faints]
- Marty McFly: Doc! Doc! Doc! Oh, fantastic.
- Marty McFly: [Reading the newspaper from 2015] "Within two hours of his arrest, Martin McFly Jr. was tried, convicted and sentenced to fifteen years in the state penitentiary."? Within two hours?
- Doc: The justice system works swiftly in the future now that they've abolished all lawyers.
- Marty McFly: Nice shot Doc! You're not gonna believe this, we gotta go back to 1955.
- Doc: I don't believe it!
- Doc: Don't talk to anyone, don't touch anything, don't do anything, don't interact with anyone, and try not to look at anything.
- Marty McFly: The almanac. Son of a bitch stole my idea! He must have been listening when I- It's my fault! The whole thing is my fault. If I hadn't bought that damn book, none of this would have ever happened.
- Doc: Well, that's all in the past.
- Marty McFly: You mean the future.
- Doc: Whatever! It demonstrates precisely how time travel can be mis-used, and why the time machine must be destroyed, after we straighten all of this out.
- Marty McFly: That's right, Doc. November 12, 1955.
- Doc: Unbelievable, that old Biff could have chosen that particular date. It could mean that that point in time inherently contains some sort of cosmic significance. Almost as if it were the temporal junction point for the entire space-time continuum. On the other hand, it could just be an amazing coincidence.
- Doc: I went to a rejuvenation clinic and got a whole natural overhaul. They took out some wrinkles, did hair repair, changed the blood, added a good 30 to 40 years to my life. They also replaced my spleen and colon. What do you think?
- Marty McFly: [on walkie-talkie to Doc] Doc! Biff's guys chased me into the gym and their gonna jump... me!
- Doc: [on walkie talkie to Marty] Then get outta there!
- Marty McFly: [on walkie-talkie] No, Doc. Not *me*, the *other* me, the one that's up on stage playing "Johnny B. Goode."!
- Doc: [on walkie-talkie] Great Scott! Your other self will miss the lightning bolt, you won't get back to the future and we'll have a major paradox!
- [Marty and Doc have just arrived back in 1955]
- Doc: Sometime today, old Biff will show up to give young Biff the Almanac. Above all, you must not interfere with that event. We must let Old Biff believe he succeeded, so that he'll leave 1955 and bring the DeLorean back to the future.
- Marty McFly: Right.
- Doc: Once Old Biff is gone, grab the Almanac anyway that you can. Remember, both of our futures depend on this.
- Marty McFly: You don't have to remind me of that, Doc.