- Brenda Starr: [after Mike continually insults Brenda as a cartoon, she comes to life] I've had it! Who the heck do you think you are? For four months I've put up with your insults. Night after night! And I've had it up to here!
- [Mike gasps in disbelief]
- Brenda Starr: So bug off, buster!
- Brenda Starr: I'm having a terrible problem with some of those purses you're having me wear. They're just too small! I have to use teeny-weeny notebooks so they'll fit. Half the time I have the memorize what people say. I want my stories accurate!
- Mike Randall: Brenda, I just draw you. I didn't create you, a woman did.
- Brenda Starr: Well, tell her I don't mind the wardrobe. Of course, logically I couldn't afford it on what I earn. But I understand the public expects me to look chic, and I wouldn't want to let them down!
- Cub Reporter Pesky Miller: You're just sore because Brenda got the O'Shea story while you were sitting on your claws!
- Libby 'Lips' Lipscomb: Haha! Little man, I don't care about the O'Shea story. "Small potatoes." I'm working on something so big it'll really clean your clock, Starr! Put you right out of the newspaper game! All you poor saps. So, tata!
- Brenda Starr: [on the telephone in her hotel] Front desk? Hello! Could you remove two bodies from the third floor hall? Thank you!