70 reviews
Well... many years ago, in all my naivety, I rented this one expecting a serious, scary and foul sequel to the original "C.H.U.D.", one of my 80's favorites (not even a guilty pleasure, mind you). After approximately 20 minutes I turned this turkey off, insulted and rather angry. It had absolutely NOTHING to do with the original (other than a very vague reference to the cannibalistic tendencies of the alleged Chuddies portrayed in this movie).
Now - the year of writing is 2007 - more than a decade later, with the right mindset and under the influence of a certain person, I decided to give this film another shot. This time determined to watched it all the way through. And, yes, it's totally retarded, but... still some fun and worth a few laughs. It's a pretty dumb horror-comedy that tries to be something like "Night Of The Creeps" or "Return Of The Living Dead, part 2". But it fails completely in being as good. If you like mind-numbingly stoopie horror-spoofs, you still might have some fun with it. Even I did, I'll admit that much. And the climax in the swimming pool was even quite amusing. But I still hold a grudge against it for nearly traumatizing me more than a decade ago. And in the end, it's not much better than, let's say, the zombieësque equivalent of an 80's slasher-spoof like "Killer Party". Hence my rating.
Now - the year of writing is 2007 - more than a decade later, with the right mindset and under the influence of a certain person, I decided to give this film another shot. This time determined to watched it all the way through. And, yes, it's totally retarded, but... still some fun and worth a few laughs. It's a pretty dumb horror-comedy that tries to be something like "Night Of The Creeps" or "Return Of The Living Dead, part 2". But it fails completely in being as good. If you like mind-numbingly stoopie horror-spoofs, you still might have some fun with it. Even I did, I'll admit that much. And the climax in the swimming pool was even quite amusing. But I still hold a grudge against it for nearly traumatizing me more than a decade ago. And in the end, it's not much better than, let's say, the zombieësque equivalent of an 80's slasher-spoof like "Killer Party". Hence my rating.
- Vomitron_G
- Aug 14, 2010
- Permalink
Okay, so this wasn't "Night of the Living Dead." It was not a great film, but nowhere near as horrendous as everyone says. Gerrit Graham made me giggle a few times as Bud the CHUD. While Brian Robbins, Bill Calvert, and Tricia Leigh Fisher aren't Oscar-winners, Robert Vaughn did a great job with an otherwise horrible script. I watched this on TV at 3 am and it kept me awake. Rent it if you have nothing better to do.
My rating: 4 out of 10
My rating: 4 out of 10
Okay, first of all forget ALL that you know about the C.H.U.D.s (providing you have seen the first movie, that is), because this sequel has nothing to do with that at all. Well, sure they mention them by name and that they apparently have something extracted from them, but that is where the comparison ends.
"C.H.U.D. II: Bud the Chud" is a downright comedy, where as the original C.H.U.D. movie was a horror. However, there weren't really any laughs throughout the movie, so it kind of failed on that front as well.
Now, if you are familiar with the C.H.U.D. then you know that it is some kind of mutant humanoid being, not a shambling undead zombie, right? Right! Well in the sequel, a C.H.U.D. is now a living dead corpse; a zombie, if you will. What? How does one go about totally changing the layout of a horror movie creature into something completely overnight and expect the audience to just eat it raw? That was a bad mistake.
The storyline in "C.H.U.D. II: Bud the Chud" have a frozen C.H.U.D. specimen frozen down in containment by the military. But some frisky teenagers manage to steal the corpse and bring it back to life. And Bud is hungry, thus goes the neighborhood and the school dance... There you go, the general outlay of the story.
Being a late 80's movie, "C.H.U.D. II: Bud the Chud" is fairly stereotypical for its age. So it might be a trip down memory lane for some people to watch this.
The cast in "C.H.U.D. II: Bud the Chud" was fairly good. Most memorable was Gerrit Graham (playing Bud Oliver/Bud the C.H.U.D.), and he did managed to get something cool out of the C.H.U.D. role, despite it being a comedy zombie movie! Duh! Robert Vaughn (playing Colonel Masters) was a welcomed face as well, though he was a bit difficult to fully take seriously as a military officer in this movie.
I remember watching this movie when I was a young teenager, and I recall parts of the title song (Bud the C.H.U.D.) even after these many, many years. I did recall it was living dead creatures as well, but decided to revisit the movie for old times sake. Now that I have, I feel a bit disappointed with the experience. The movie is a low-end comedy, so unless you like cheesy comedies that cash in on former titles, then this movie is not really worth the time. (No offense to fans!)
"C.H.U.D. II: Bud the Chud" is a downright comedy, where as the original C.H.U.D. movie was a horror. However, there weren't really any laughs throughout the movie, so it kind of failed on that front as well.
Now, if you are familiar with the C.H.U.D. then you know that it is some kind of mutant humanoid being, not a shambling undead zombie, right? Right! Well in the sequel, a C.H.U.D. is now a living dead corpse; a zombie, if you will. What? How does one go about totally changing the layout of a horror movie creature into something completely overnight and expect the audience to just eat it raw? That was a bad mistake.
The storyline in "C.H.U.D. II: Bud the Chud" have a frozen C.H.U.D. specimen frozen down in containment by the military. But some frisky teenagers manage to steal the corpse and bring it back to life. And Bud is hungry, thus goes the neighborhood and the school dance... There you go, the general outlay of the story.
Being a late 80's movie, "C.H.U.D. II: Bud the Chud" is fairly stereotypical for its age. So it might be a trip down memory lane for some people to watch this.
The cast in "C.H.U.D. II: Bud the Chud" was fairly good. Most memorable was Gerrit Graham (playing Bud Oliver/Bud the C.H.U.D.), and he did managed to get something cool out of the C.H.U.D. role, despite it being a comedy zombie movie! Duh! Robert Vaughn (playing Colonel Masters) was a welcomed face as well, though he was a bit difficult to fully take seriously as a military officer in this movie.
I remember watching this movie when I was a young teenager, and I recall parts of the title song (Bud the C.H.U.D.) even after these many, many years. I did recall it was living dead creatures as well, but decided to revisit the movie for old times sake. Now that I have, I feel a bit disappointed with the experience. The movie is a low-end comedy, so unless you like cheesy comedies that cash in on former titles, then this movie is not really worth the time. (No offense to fans!)
- paul_haakonsen
- Mar 27, 2011
- Permalink
Having nothing to do with the original, C.H.U.D II is a sequel in name only. Take everything you remember about the original C.H.U.D...and throw it out the window. This is more like a zombie spoof. I mean, our hero is the guy from Head of the Class and Bud the Chud gets his own theme song. So it goes without saying that this is not quite a classic. It's also incredibly ridiculous and stupid. Despite all of this, I like it. It's an enjoyable 80's horror/comedy because it's very similar to, although not nearly as good as, Night of the Creeps (which is a GREAT horror/comedy). Understand me, I'm not saying Chud II is a good movie (I've seen far better, and far worse), I'm just saying that it's definitely entertaining and delivers quite a few laughs. If you're in to camp, get chudified.
Note for genre buffs: Robert Englund walks across the screen in a minor cameo.
Note for genre buffs: Robert Englund walks across the screen in a minor cameo.
- Backlash007
- Sep 2, 2002
- Permalink
I heard the warnings... I was told to stay away at all costs... I didn't believe them. Now I have this horrible excuse for a movie in my memory forever!
There was great potential for a follow up to the original and excellent "C.H.U.D." However, to change the direction from a serious horror story with ecological warnings to a goofy slapstick comedy was about the worst thing that could be done.
The CHUDs in the movie look like rejects from a living dead film, and the acting... well, the less said the better.
In fact, the only cool thing about C.H.U.D. II is the video's cover art. Pick it up at your video store, and imagine that if that eerie scene had really been in a CHUD sequel. We don't get that with CHUD 2. Not even close.
There was great potential for a follow up to the original and excellent "C.H.U.D." However, to change the direction from a serious horror story with ecological warnings to a goofy slapstick comedy was about the worst thing that could be done.
The CHUDs in the movie look like rejects from a living dead film, and the acting... well, the less said the better.
In fact, the only cool thing about C.H.U.D. II is the video's cover art. Pick it up at your video store, and imagine that if that eerie scene had really been in a CHUD sequel. We don't get that with CHUD 2. Not even close.
- pleiades10
- Aug 14, 2000
- Permalink
After viewing this garbage on video, I have to admit that you can't get much worse than this.
This movie really had nothing to do with its predecessor. It basically shares the same title and introduces a C.H.U.D. by the name of "Bud" who is a government experiment gone wrong unleashed upon an unsuspecting town in the U.S. This movie is 'supposedly' comedy, but comes off more as a 'patience-tester'.
For the sub-plots involving the "C.H.U.D.ified" dog, the Halloween party and the swimming pool - this is material that may have easily been lifted from a script intended for a typical crass episode of "Roseanne".
For June Lockhart and Normal Fell to appear in this film for what may have been a total of five minutes on-screen time - all I can say is, "What the Hell?". Was "Lost In Space" and "Three's Company" not enough???
And as for Robert Vaughan. All I could have asked him to do was to have looked at the camera, pointed and said, "Tell them you mean *BUSINESS*!"
This movie really had nothing to do with its predecessor. It basically shares the same title and introduces a C.H.U.D. by the name of "Bud" who is a government experiment gone wrong unleashed upon an unsuspecting town in the U.S. This movie is 'supposedly' comedy, but comes off more as a 'patience-tester'.
For the sub-plots involving the "C.H.U.D.ified" dog, the Halloween party and the swimming pool - this is material that may have easily been lifted from a script intended for a typical crass episode of "Roseanne".
For June Lockhart and Normal Fell to appear in this film for what may have been a total of five minutes on-screen time - all I can say is, "What the Hell?". Was "Lost In Space" and "Three's Company" not enough???
And as for Robert Vaughan. All I could have asked him to do was to have looked at the camera, pointed and said, "Tell them you mean *BUSINESS*!"
- Aussie Stud
- Feb 26, 2001
- Permalink
I would like to make an addition to this movie's tagline. It currently just states: "Their first mistake was stealing a corpse... Their second mistake was waking him up." Can we please add: "The third and biggest mistake anyone can ever make is to watch this giant pile of stinking movie rubbish!" I'm a big fan of the original "C.H.U.D" and consider it to be a modest and sadly overlooked cult gem of 80's horror. The sequel, however, I only consider to be a hugely irrelevant, imbecilic and redundant piece of crap. And it's not because I'm taking it too seriously or because I don't have a sense of humor
It's because the script of this supposedly light-headed and tongue-in-cheek horror comedy sequel is the complete opposite of funny. Part two has absolutely nothing in common with the cool original, which dealt with mutated creatures prowling the sewers of Soho, and should never have been associated with it. There's only one C.H.U.D left alive and the sleazy military colonel Masters orders to freeze the body, hoping that one day he can generate a race of indestructible zombie soldiers based on its capacities. Two dim-witted high school students snitch the body from a research lab and, moreover, accidentally bring it back to life at their house. The creature, moronically nicknamed Bud, wanders off into town where he infects a big number of unsuspecting civilians. I honestly don't want to waste too much time on reviewing "C.H.U.D II"
The humor is infantile, the characters are insufferable and the complete absence of blood is unforgivable. Lead star Brian Robbins truly irritated the hell out of me, what with his bizarre looking mouth and stupid grimaces, and even veteran actor Robert Vaughn couldn't bring a positive touch. In all honesty I even have to admit that I didn't manage to finish my viewing, and that really doesn't happen to me all that often. Totally ridiculous and retarded movie.
This was the worst movie I have ever seen. I have never walked out on a movie and I never plan to. I watched this movie right to the end and I swear that my T.V. was almost going to shatter into tiny pieces. C.H.U.D. 2 is not even close to the original movie. The government is producing CHUD's for war. CHUD's eat or nibble on any living creature and then that creature becomes a CHUD. It's sort of like a disease. CHUD's are soo stupid as well. If a rocket scientist get chewed on by a CHUD, it becomes a CHUD with no brain. CHUD's have no brain and that is also why this movie is so stupid. The two main characters are two big sterotypes of people. One's a slacker and overacts his part and the other is a nerd and is way overdone. In the movie these two main character's brake into a secret government facility and steal a body with no one knowing about it. This is a secret facility yet two boys steal a large frozen body and walk out the front door with it. Did anyone see them? I guess not. So stupid. Save your energy, money, time and effort and just smash your T.V. and VCR ahead of time so you won't have to watch this stupid movie.
- jeffthebarbarian
- Apr 14, 2006
- Permalink
So basically you should forget everything established in the first movie and about the cannibalistic humanoid underground dwellers as this movie has absolutely nothing to do with that movie. That movie while not all that good did at least look like a major motion picture while this one has the looks and is a B movie that tries to be a comedy. Basically, this movie is more of a zombie feature than the creature feature the first movie was. I am betting they did this to save money on make-up and monster effects as these creatures only have dark circles around their eyes and some deformed teeth. They did not bother making this movie a true zombie movie as that would have had to perhaps have decaying effects and wounds. In the end this movie is more like the film "Night of the Creeps", but not as nearly as good as far as the effects and gore or the humor for that matter. In the end the movie is a sequel in name only. The only reason this movie is called CHUD II it seems is to have the little subtitle Bud the Chud for the cuteness factor and comedy factor which is basically none existent for my tastes. The plot just has Bud infecting others and the horde of zombie like creatures grows and grows. Nothing new or funny being brought to the table in this one, but I did rather like the infected poodle.
awww man, i can't believe i found this film again.
i remember back when i was around 10, this film was on TV over in the UK i never saw it all but i always remember the final swimming pool scene, it kinda scared me at the time and i always remembered the CHUD name. So imagine my surprise when recently i searched through amazon and came across CHUD II on DVD for a measly £3, i couldn't resist. What i didn't know was that the film i was getting was the one i'd seen all them years ago, i thought it was sequel to what i had seen.
This is a great film, it ain't gonna appeal to everyone but if anyone loved cheesy 80's movie horror film this is a must-see, it's actually more of a comedy than a horror, but there's zombies in it so i guess it's a horror.
The star of the film is Bud, the main CHUD zombie you get caught on his quest to find the love of his life, Katie. He munches on a lot of people along the way and finally confronts her in the final scenes, which is actually quite sad and almost brought a tear to my eye (no s**t).
If anyone's up for a good laugh and loves zombies get this film, it's great entertainment and funny as hell, all the people on here who voted this a '1' need to lighten and start to enjoy life, cause this was some funny s**t.
The only gripe i have is the movie's lack of gore, if they'd totally bloodied this up and made it a bit more hardcore this would be amazing.
i remember back when i was around 10, this film was on TV over in the UK i never saw it all but i always remember the final swimming pool scene, it kinda scared me at the time and i always remembered the CHUD name. So imagine my surprise when recently i searched through amazon and came across CHUD II on DVD for a measly £3, i couldn't resist. What i didn't know was that the film i was getting was the one i'd seen all them years ago, i thought it was sequel to what i had seen.
This is a great film, it ain't gonna appeal to everyone but if anyone loved cheesy 80's movie horror film this is a must-see, it's actually more of a comedy than a horror, but there's zombies in it so i guess it's a horror.
The star of the film is Bud, the main CHUD zombie you get caught on his quest to find the love of his life, Katie. He munches on a lot of people along the way and finally confronts her in the final scenes, which is actually quite sad and almost brought a tear to my eye (no s**t).
If anyone's up for a good laugh and loves zombies get this film, it's great entertainment and funny as hell, all the people on here who voted this a '1' need to lighten and start to enjoy life, cause this was some funny s**t.
The only gripe i have is the movie's lack of gore, if they'd totally bloodied this up and made it a bit more hardcore this would be amazing.
- moviefiend-1
- Oct 11, 2004
- Permalink
I rather enjoyed 'CHUD' so I was curious to see what they would do with the next chapter. Unfortunately, 'CHUD 2: Bud the Chud' is a sequel in name only, and completely unrelated. It simply cashes in on the success of 'CHUD'.
This film is atrocious!! It quite simply is one of the most awful, stupid films! Billed as a comedy horror, the only horror was having to watch it. It is nothing more than a slapstick spoof of zombie films. Hell, this was terrible!! If I was a 5-year old with very few brain cells, I might have found it funny. But alas, I'm not, and I didn't.
The only relation to the previous film, is the fact the military is using the CHUD enzymes to use as biological warfare. When their latest experimental victim, Bud, attacks a doctor, they freeze him. Meanwhile, biology students Kevin and Steve accidentally 'loses' an actual corpse their teacher wanted to use for their next class. They decide to steal another body - only it happens to be Bud. They take the body to Steve's home, where they accidentally bring him to life again.
Bud then creates a zombie army of his own.... Ugh!! What follows, is the most unfunny, annoying garbage I've seen in a very, very long time! (Not since 'The Toxic Avenger' or 'Street Trash', anyway). The film became almost unwatchable. Oh, wait, it did!! If this was an animated film, I might have enjoyed it (a little bit), because then I would have viewed it as a (silly) cartoon. If 'CHUD 2' was meant to be funny, it wasn't. I cringed all the way!
For a film made in 1989 it certainly looks and feels much older. The make-up and the practical effects are bad, the acting is bad, the dialogue is bad, everything here is just bad, bad, bad to a cringe-worthy level! And what the hell is Robert Vaughn doing in this movie?! Desperate times...!
This film is atrocious!! It quite simply is one of the most awful, stupid films! Billed as a comedy horror, the only horror was having to watch it. It is nothing more than a slapstick spoof of zombie films. Hell, this was terrible!! If I was a 5-year old with very few brain cells, I might have found it funny. But alas, I'm not, and I didn't.
The only relation to the previous film, is the fact the military is using the CHUD enzymes to use as biological warfare. When their latest experimental victim, Bud, attacks a doctor, they freeze him. Meanwhile, biology students Kevin and Steve accidentally 'loses' an actual corpse their teacher wanted to use for their next class. They decide to steal another body - only it happens to be Bud. They take the body to Steve's home, where they accidentally bring him to life again.
Bud then creates a zombie army of his own.... Ugh!! What follows, is the most unfunny, annoying garbage I've seen in a very, very long time! (Not since 'The Toxic Avenger' or 'Street Trash', anyway). The film became almost unwatchable. Oh, wait, it did!! If this was an animated film, I might have enjoyed it (a little bit), because then I would have viewed it as a (silly) cartoon. If 'CHUD 2' was meant to be funny, it wasn't. I cringed all the way!
For a film made in 1989 it certainly looks and feels much older. The make-up and the practical effects are bad, the acting is bad, the dialogue is bad, everything here is just bad, bad, bad to a cringe-worthy level! And what the hell is Robert Vaughn doing in this movie?! Desperate times...!
- paulclaassen
- Aug 5, 2023
- Permalink
I saw this movie a few years ago and I got some good laughs out of it. It's not meant to be a horror George Romero movie or anything like that...It's a funny movie about funny zombies...I mean seriously, those of you who have seen this movie how could you not laugh at the whole "MEAT!" chasing poodle scene...
- ShelbyShocked
- Mar 6, 2002
- Permalink
Horrible, horrible movie. I have seen worse, but only maybe 3 or 4. There is nothing worth watching in this movie, but one point of note is that it has the WORST theme song I have EVER heard in my life!!! (sung by "Kipp" Lennon(?) )
Where to begin with this flop of a dud. Lets start with the pathetically weak acting coupled with the paper thin plot. Now, neither of us have seen the first D.U.D. movie, and after viewing this nightmare of modern cinema, we have no desire to ever talk, listen or think about anything associated with the D.U.D sequel. There were several problems that plagued this film. First and foremost is the inconsistent behavior of the Chuds. Were these creatures supposed to be scary. After several scenes with Chud chantings (meat, eat, buffet, rah rah rah), a choreographed Thriller dance took place unexpectedly. This is hardly scary. The scary part was the music that accompanied the Chuds every time they searched for their prey. What was this noise pollution that the producers of this movie subjected us to. Basically, it was lyrical brilliance (dada dada da Bud the Chud). Now the whole point of the movie was that the Chuds supposedly ate people, yet nobody ever got eaten. They just were transformed into Chuddy Duddies and once again a recycled plot (Night of Living Dead) rears its ugly chuddy head. Another fatal flaw and unnecessary plot twist was Dud the Chump falling in love with Katie. It caused him to turn into a pathetic whiney wimp in which he says "Hi" in a very feminine voice and continues his sappy behavior by ripping out his heart. Another just flat out stupid scene was the Chud trying to pick up his head as it rolled around the woods. And what was with this research center? It was as accessible as a public phone booth. I guess anyone who needs a diseased dead body can pop in late at night and take one. And the computers at this place looked like Lite-Brites. We really don't feel like wasting anymore time reviewing this movie so we'll be brief about the mistakes - fake fish at the mall, fake stuffed poodle, one bullet causes a car to explode, the speed of the gurny as it exits the school changes abruptly, and plot holes dealing with main characters chudimizing without any explanation. Without revealing the ending we can honestly say it stunk to high heavens. It just made no sense, you have to see it to know what we're talking about. We both had to watch this movie in installments because we kept falling asleep from boredom. Afterwards we took the $0.79 five-day rental out of the VCR and it chuddimized right before our eyes.
- StinkerCritics - T & L
- Jun 17, 2000
- Permalink
how could Robert Vaughan star in this appalling movie.its not a horror film its not funny so it cant be a comedy but what it is is a complete waste of time.watching paint dry is a lot more fun than this.everyone involved in this movie should be ashamed of themselves.1 out of 10
- filmbuff1970
- May 23, 2002
- Permalink
I agree with all others who think it's a horrible movie (somewhere between eligibility for mst3k and battlefield earth). It's the ideal example for a textbook of every horrible 80s kitsch cliché that it's utterly hilarious. Every scene, every single scene in this movie evokes a psychological questioning of the filmmaker's sanity. It's certainly unintended but enough years have passed that we can all reflect on this film as an artifact of the 80s. Favorite scene: Bud the Chud looking at himself in the mirror as the "creepy" synthesizer kicks in ("Know Thyself Chud").
The best things about monster movie C.H.U.D. were the creepy critters - all rubbery claws, snaggle fangs and glowing eyes - and the juicy gore (at least in the Director's Cut). C.H.U.D. II: Bud the Chud does away with the creatures, the C.H.U.D now resembling bargain basement zombies with painted faces and joke-store teeth; it also replaces the blood and guts with terrible '80s comedy, making this a serious contender for worst sequel in horror history (yes, even worse than Return of the Living Dead Part II).
Brian Robbins stars as obnoxious student Steve Williams, who accidentally loses the cadaver intended for his biology class. So what does he do? He convinces his pal Kevin (Bill Calvert) to help him steal a replacement body from the Winterhaven Disease Control Centre. What the lads don't realise is that their new stiff is actually a frozen C.H.U.D. called Bud (played by Gerrit Graham), the result of a military project to create reanimated super-soldiers who just happen to have cannibalistic tendencies.
A really dumb script full of lame humour and dreadful performances all round (Robert Vaughn giving a career worst as military top brass Colonel Masters) go to ensure that this film is utterly cringeworthy from start to finish. Freddy Krueger himself, Robert Englund, has a blink-and-you'll-miss-it cameo as Man in Trenchcoat Walking with Trick-or-Treaters; and he's the best thing about the whole sorry mess.
1.5 out of 10, rounded down to 1 for the dancing zombies and the killer poodle.
Brian Robbins stars as obnoxious student Steve Williams, who accidentally loses the cadaver intended for his biology class. So what does he do? He convinces his pal Kevin (Bill Calvert) to help him steal a replacement body from the Winterhaven Disease Control Centre. What the lads don't realise is that their new stiff is actually a frozen C.H.U.D. called Bud (played by Gerrit Graham), the result of a military project to create reanimated super-soldiers who just happen to have cannibalistic tendencies.
A really dumb script full of lame humour and dreadful performances all round (Robert Vaughn giving a career worst as military top brass Colonel Masters) go to ensure that this film is utterly cringeworthy from start to finish. Freddy Krueger himself, Robert Englund, has a blink-and-you'll-miss-it cameo as Man in Trenchcoat Walking with Trick-or-Treaters; and he's the best thing about the whole sorry mess.
1.5 out of 10, rounded down to 1 for the dancing zombies and the killer poodle.
- BA_Harrison
- Aug 11, 2018
- Permalink
CHUD 2 stands alone as one of the finest peices of american cinema made in the late eighties starring Robert Vaughn featuringing Canabolistic Humaniod Underground Dwellers! Yeah, yeah some people may be able to find flaws in this beautiful teen comedy but I like to think of it as a diamond amongst all the ex rental coal you'll see whilst digging this little gem out (Troll2 for example!pah "their eating her and then their going to eat me!" no such poor dialouge in CHUD!) Then theres the twist! who would have guessed that the teen who we follow throughout and ressurected the CHUD in his bathtub would finish the film a CHUD himself? not I but image my delight! Will we ever see a CHUD three instead of making sequals to no hopers like Jurrasic Park they surely could put a bit of money toward CHUD3? It wouldn't cost much and the script wouldn't be hard to hammer out! I would be delighted to see CHUDs stomping on the big screen once more..but I can't believe this got to any big screen before sadly. If you haven't seen it, don't. Just trust me, it's great! And give it 10/10 lets pump the rating of this movie above the 1.3 mark people.
- extravaluepip
- Feb 6, 2003
- Permalink
This movie makes the first CHUD look like Citizen Kane. In the first movie, the laughs were unintentional giving it a strong B movie status. This one actually tries to be funny resulting in undescribably horrible pain. The cool zombies from CHUD 1 are gone, instead we get idiots with make-up on their faces trying to amuse us limping through malls, et cetera trying to give us that Dawn of the Dead feeling. See Dawn of the Dead and then CHUD and see was a REAL CHUD movie looks like.
MAN this thing just HURT! You can quote Reggie Santori on that.
MAN this thing just HURT! You can quote Reggie Santori on that.
The original C.H.U.D (1984) was a pretty poor horror starring John Heard & Daniel Stern. It wasn't awful but was an instantly forgettable effort.
Understandably going into the sequel I expected more of the same and prepared myself for mediocrity only to come across a very pleasant surprise.
It tells the story of a couple of friends who accidentally lose their schools biology cadaver. Fearing expulsion they set about stealing a corpse from a nearby facility only for it to come to life!
In traditional zombie style the infection spreads and before you know it the town has been overtaken. These aren't normal zombies however, our "Chuds" only take a nibble on their victim and have a low level of intellect.
What sets this apart from the first movie is the humour, there is plenty here and does a lot of good for the film. It simply doesn't take itself seriously and for that reason it comes across really well.
Starring industry legend Robert Vaughn and Gerrit Graham as the titular Bud the Chud this is a fantastic little movie that is considerably better than it should have been.
With a rocking 80's soundtrack, a surprising budget behind it and some real laughs Bud The Chud has to be considered an underrated 80's classic.
The fact this never became a proper franchise saddens me.
The Good:
Robert Vaughn & Gerrit Graham are great
Great 80's soundtrack
Actually looks quite good
Some funny moments
The Bad:
Nothing springs to mind
Things I Learnt From This Movie:
The old cat jumping scare cliche never gets old
There are anals of history
Understandably going into the sequel I expected more of the same and prepared myself for mediocrity only to come across a very pleasant surprise.
It tells the story of a couple of friends who accidentally lose their schools biology cadaver. Fearing expulsion they set about stealing a corpse from a nearby facility only for it to come to life!
In traditional zombie style the infection spreads and before you know it the town has been overtaken. These aren't normal zombies however, our "Chuds" only take a nibble on their victim and have a low level of intellect.
What sets this apart from the first movie is the humour, there is plenty here and does a lot of good for the film. It simply doesn't take itself seriously and for that reason it comes across really well.
Starring industry legend Robert Vaughn and Gerrit Graham as the titular Bud the Chud this is a fantastic little movie that is considerably better than it should have been.
With a rocking 80's soundtrack, a surprising budget behind it and some real laughs Bud The Chud has to be considered an underrated 80's classic.
The fact this never became a proper franchise saddens me.
The Good:
Robert Vaughn & Gerrit Graham are great
Great 80's soundtrack
Actually looks quite good
Some funny moments
The Bad:
Nothing springs to mind
Things I Learnt From This Movie:
The old cat jumping scare cliche never gets old
There are anals of history
- Platypuschow
- Jun 29, 2018
- Permalink
If you happen to come across "C.H.U.D. II - Bud the Chud" and are expecting a logical sequel to the 1984 cult-classic, you will only walk away disappointed. If, however, you are in the mood for a nice, healthy portion of late-80's cheese, then this zombie-spoof just may be the ticket!
After two bumbling teenage buddies (Brian Robbins and Bill Calvert) misplace a cadaver intended for their high school science class, they find a replacement in Bud (Gerrit Graham). Bud is a C.H.U.D. (which, if you recall the first film, stands for Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers) and seeing as how he is the last of his kind, the government sees fit to stuff him away in a minimum security facility in a podunk little town. The two pry the titular Chud from the facility with minimal effort, and after killing the family dog and clogging the toilet, Bud strolls through town, turning anyone and everyone he comes across into a like-minded zombie, on the prowl for a little fun and a little flesh.
This film is ridiculous, that's for sure. Whether it's the goofball dialog, the "Thriller" inspired dance number or the theme song that accompanies Bud, there is hardly a moment where it looks like anyone took what they were doing seriously when making this film. It has a real fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants spirit that maybe made its producers and distributors nervous, but nevertheless, translates to a gloriously goofy good time. Vibrant performances are in abundance, with everyone from seasoned actor Robert Vaughn, who viciously chews up the scenery, to the beautiful Tricia Leigh Fisher, the supportive girlfriend who finds herself the object of Bud's affection. Go into this one with expectations of a care-free good-time and you'll likely find "C.H.U.D. II - Bud the Chud" to be a blast.
After two bumbling teenage buddies (Brian Robbins and Bill Calvert) misplace a cadaver intended for their high school science class, they find a replacement in Bud (Gerrit Graham). Bud is a C.H.U.D. (which, if you recall the first film, stands for Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers) and seeing as how he is the last of his kind, the government sees fit to stuff him away in a minimum security facility in a podunk little town. The two pry the titular Chud from the facility with minimal effort, and after killing the family dog and clogging the toilet, Bud strolls through town, turning anyone and everyone he comes across into a like-minded zombie, on the prowl for a little fun and a little flesh.
This film is ridiculous, that's for sure. Whether it's the goofball dialog, the "Thriller" inspired dance number or the theme song that accompanies Bud, there is hardly a moment where it looks like anyone took what they were doing seriously when making this film. It has a real fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants spirit that maybe made its producers and distributors nervous, but nevertheless, translates to a gloriously goofy good time. Vibrant performances are in abundance, with everyone from seasoned actor Robert Vaughn, who viciously chews up the scenery, to the beautiful Tricia Leigh Fisher, the supportive girlfriend who finds herself the object of Bud's affection. Go into this one with expectations of a care-free good-time and you'll likely find "C.H.U.D. II - Bud the Chud" to be a blast.
- Mr_Censored
- Jun 30, 2010
- Permalink
- Scarecrow-88
- May 25, 2007
- Permalink