Communion (1989)
Lindsay Crouse: Anne Strieber
Anne Strieber : Where are you going?
Whitley Strieber : I'm going out for some cigarettes.
Anne Strieber : You don't smoke.
Whitley Strieber : You know what he's doing in there? The old Romanian turn-on! Ze spirits ov ze vulfs!
Anne Strieber : And she's like this!
Anne Strieber : [as her son sulks in the playground] . He won't talk to me, I'm a girl!
Anne Strieber : There are many faces of God, Masks of God. It scared me, because you went so far away from me. They gave you a gift. You'd better use it.
Anne Strieber : You were frightened by a Halloween Mask?
Whitley Strieber : Yes.
Anne Strieber : A Halloween Mask frightened you?
Whitley Strieber : Is there an echo? Yes.
Anne Strieber : You're dressed like for your first Communion.
Whitley Strieber : [after Whitley's final encounter] They invited me to come with them. I had the feeling forever. Then it was morning.
Anne Strieber : They asked you to go away with them?
Whitley Strieber : Yeah... I just came home to get my stuff.
[They start to laugh]
Anne Strieber : Put your grey pants on, elephants are grey.
Whitley Strieber : [Playing with the elasticated trunk] Is this the front or the back?
Whitley Strieber : He's sending me to a shrinker who specialises in, believe it or not, rape cases.
Anne Strieber : Well, good.
Anne Strieber : You go and see her, she's a professional, her evidence is accepted in court! We have a good home and I'm a good woman! You go and see her or we won't have any marriage left!
Andrew Strieber : [Walking in the snow] Why are we sad?
Anne Strieber : Andy, what a thing to say.
Andrew Strieber : Well, Dad's sad.
Whitley Strieber : This new book, I'm under a lot of pressure...
Anne Strieber : What did you lose?
Whitley Strieber : I lost... you know, I lost another day, what I lost was gold, golden notions erased, smoked dreams, phantoms... What I crave is... you know... consolation.
Anne Strieber : You think I don't know what you do? If it's not the Crystal in the Sky, you're flying around the room! Little people, and some of them are blue. This is such bad material it's MAGAZINE writing! So who's been working on your stuff? You get to a certain age and blah, blah, blah? You know what I think? I think you're laughing to my face.
Anne Strieber : You know, you used to be funny.
Anne Strieber : I have one child, I don't need another.