Giancarlo Esposito credited as playing...
Buggin Out
- Buggin' Out: You almost knocked me down, man. The word is "excuse me."
- Clifton: Ah, excuse me, I'm sorry.
- Buggin' Out: Not only did ya knock me down, you stepped on my brand-new white Air Jordans I just bought, and that's all you can say is "excuse me"?
- Clifton: What, are you serious?
- Buggin' Out: Yeah, I'm serious, I'll fuck you up quick two times.
- Ahmad: Two times.
- Buggin' Out: Who told you to step on my sneakers, who told you to walk on my side of the block, who told you to be in my neighborhood?
- Clifton: I own this brownstone.
- Buggin' Out: Who told you to buy a brownstone on my block, in my neighborhood, on my side of the street? Yo, what you wanna live in a Black neighborhood for, anyway? Man, motherfuck gentrification.
- Buggin' Out: Yo, Sal, we're gonna boycott your fat pasta ass.
- Sal: You're gonna boycott me? You haven't got the *balls* to boycott me. Here, here's your boycott, up your ass. You've got a boycott.
- Buggin' Out: You the man.
- Mookie: No, you the man.
- Buggin' Out: You the man.
- Mookie: No, you the man.
- Buggin' Out: No, I'm just a struggling Black man trying to keep my dick hard in a cruel and harsh world.
- Sal: What'd I tell you about that noise?
- Buggin' Out: What'd I tell you about them pictures?
- Sal: What the fuck, are you deaf?
- Buggin' Out: No! Are you? Fuck you! We want some black people on that motherfucking Wall of Fame now!
- Mookie: We're trying to go fucking home! We've been here all fucking day, Buggin Out!
- Sal: Turn that jungle music off! We ain't in Africa!
- Buggin' Out: Why it got to be about jungle music? Why it got to be about Africa? It's about them fucking pictures!
- Sal: It's about turning that shit off and getting the fuck out of my place!
- Pino: Radio Raheem!
- Radio Raheem: Fuck you!
- Sal: And fuck you, too!
- Ahmad: Get in there, Pino!
- Radio Raheem: This is music. My music!
- Sal: Fuck your music!
- Radio Raheem: Well, turn it off, then.
- Vito: Hey, man, get the fuck out of here! We're fucking closed!
- Buggin' Out: Fuck you! We're closing you guinea bastards for good! For good, motherfucker! Until you get some black people on that motherfucking Wall of Fame!
- Sal: You're gonna fucking close me?
- [Sal grabs his bat]
- Buggin' Out: You're goddamn right!
- Sal: You black cocksucker! I'll fucking tear your fucking nigger ass!
- Ahmad: Oh, we're niggers now? We niggers now!
- Buggin' Out: You fucking white trash! I'll fuck you up!
- Mookie: Sal, put the fucking bat down!
- Buggin' Out: Come on, man, you fucking guinea trash!
- Radio Raheem: Jump over the motherfucking counter!
- Sal: You black cocksucker! You nigger motherfucker!
- [Sal smashes Radio Raheem's radio several times]
- Buggin' Out: How much?
- Sal: You've been comin' in here at least three times a day. What are you - a retard? It's a dollar fifty.
- Buggin' Out: Every single one of them pictures is somebody I-talian.
- Jade: And?
- Buggin' Out: And we want some black people up.
- Jade: Who - did you ask Sal?
- Buggin' Out: Yeah, I asked him. We don't want nobody in there. Nobody spendin' good money in Sal's, until we get some black muthafuckin' pictures on the wall.
- Jade: What about - what good is that gonna do, huh? You know, if you really tried hard, Buggin' Out, you could direct your energies in a more useful way.
- Buggin' Out: Hey, hey, Sal, how come you ain't got no brothers up on the wall here?
- Sal: You want brothers up on the wall, get your own place. You can do what you want to do. You can put your brothers and uncles and nieces and nephews, step-fathers, step-mothers, whoever you want. See? But, this is *my* pizzeria. American Italians up on the wall.
- Vito: Take it easy, Pop.
- Pino: Don't start.
- Buggin' Out: Yeah, that might be fine, Sal, but, you own this, rarely do I see any American Italians eatin' in here. All I see is Black folks. So since we spend much money here, we do have some say.
- Sal: You lookin' for trouble? You a troublemaker, is that what you are? You makin' trouble?
- Buggin' Out: Yeah! I'm a troublemaker. I'm makin' trouble.
- Sal: You're a ball breaker. Always comin' in here lookin' for trouble, aren't you. Suppose I busted your head. How would you - Now, Mookie. Mookie, you wanna get your friend outta here.
- Buggin' Out: Oh, you wanna kick me out now? You're gonna kick me out, huh?
- Sal: Nah, I'm not kickin' you out. You're kickin' yourself out.
- Buggin' Out: What? Look, we want some brothers up on the wall. Yo, Malcolm X, Nelson Mandela, you know, Michael Jordan. Tomorrow!
- Buggin' Out: You're lucky I'm a righteous black man or else you'd be in serious trouble, man. Serious!
- Buggin' Out: Yo, hey, what's up with the white boy?
- Mookie: Buggin' Out, don't start no shit, alright? Beatles down! Beatles down, alright? Right?
- Buggin' Out: Yeah, right.
- Mookie: Beatles down.
- Buggin' Out: You're lucky a black man has a loving heart. Next time you see me comin', you better cross the street quick.
- Buggin' Out: Jade, you got to be down. But, you ain't down.
- Jade: Yeah, Buggin' Out, I'm down. But, I'm down for somethin' positive in the community. Are you down for that?
- Buggin' Out: I've been tryin' to organize a boycott of Sal's Famous, you know what I'm sayin'?
- Radio Raheem: I almost had to bust him in the head today, man. He go and tell me, tell me, Radio Raheem, to turn down my box and shit, man. He didn't even say please. Who the fuck he think he is, Don Corleone or shit?
- Buggin' Out: Make much money off us black people and all he got up on the wall is I-talians! Sylvester Stallone. Opie Dope lookin' muthafuckers, you see what I'm sayin', old boy? We shouldn't buy one slice, spend one red penny up in there until some folks of color are up on that wall.
- Radio Raheem: That's what I'm talkin' - that's what I'm talkin' about, man!
- Buggin' Out: You got my back?
- Radio Raheem: Your back is got!
- Buggin' Out: My brother.
- Radio Raheem: My brother.
- Radio Raheem: What's up?
- Buggin' Out: How you be, man?
- Radio Raheem: Livin' large, bro.
- Buggin' Out: Yo, is that the only tape you got?
- Radio Raheem: You don't like Public Enemy, man? The shit's dope!
- Buggin' Out: I'm down! But, you don't be playin' nuthin' else.
- Radio Raheem: I don't like nutin' else.