16 reviews
This is the absolute bottom of the proverbial barrel. Devoid of plot, charm, humor, warmth, class, good acting, and sincerity, "It Nearly Wasn't Christmas" plods through a random series of ridiculous events to its predictable conclusion. This is a holiday special in which people do nothing but lie to each other--feel the love. Watch Charles Durning play a misanthropic, bitter Santa Claus, who decides to trek the world with the most annoying sidekick of all time--an elf who appears to have been a member of a gay biker gang. Watch for "The Love Boat"'s Ted Lange churn out an amazingly bland performance as a psychotic thief who apparently thinks he is some sort of pirate. Watch for the conclusion, in which a guy at a mall starts singing a song especially composed for this TV movie, and EVERYONE--every single person in the mall- joins in! (Have YOU ever heard the song "It Nearly Wasn't Christmas"? Not unless you've seen this movie. But every person in the entire mall knows it by heart!!) Watch for the most irritating girl in the history of precocious child heroes--the very last scene in the movie leads me to imagine her face immortalized on a box of doughnuts. Really, friends, this is the lowest of the low, and you should probably watch it just to appreciate the true holiday classics, that do not depend on stale formulae and sappy songs to drag them along.
Tug-3 is absolutely right. Although I am sure that Mr. Osmond wanted to make a sincere, heartwarming Christmas movie, this one is as cynical and creepy as they come. The religious significance of Christmas is forgotten and replaced with cute kids, clueless grownups, and dopey villains. The production values demonstrate that this was either filmed on a shoestring or by truly inexperienced filmmakers-- I suspect the latter, unfortunately. The worst part, oddly enough, really is the music. You would think someone with a long-standing musical career could do better than the title song, but you would be wrong. Even my mom didn't like this movie, and she likes the Osmonds AND sappy stuff.
- lutheranchick
- Aug 6, 2005
- Permalink
This gawd-awful piece of tripe is all over the place. The script is bad, the plot is bad, the acting is bad. There are a couple of decent actors in it (Charles Durning, eg.), but the director got nothing out of them. The plot line has Santa, feeling dejected and thinking no one needs him any more, taking a little girl across country to try to get her father back together with her mother. It includes a con-man in a Santa suit with a stuffed parrot on his shoulder (played by "Isaac" from The Love Boat), the world's largest elf (played by Bruce Vilnach - a very funny man, but no actor), a hardened factory owner who works his employees overtime on Christmas eve, and a sleigh race where someone cuts one of Santa's skis trying to win. If the plot sounds bad, it's worse on the little screen. If you see this movie coming up next, run, do not walk, to your television and unplug it. You may want to boil your television to remove any remaining infection. If you accidentally watch more than 10 minutes of this, you may have to burn your television, and have the cable company install entirely new lines.
There is something that I don't understand why such a wonderful movie was never released on VHS or on DVD. I have not met a person who has seen it that didn't love it and want to buy it. Even today the demand is great for it. No one knows who to ask though. I remember that for a while they use to show it every year so I didn't bother to tape it when I had the chance. Big mistake for me. I think that with the garbage they are coming out now with. that it nearly wasn't Christmas would be a breath of fresh air. can anyone help us? Thank you, from all of It nearly wasn't Christmas fans every where and we are many. I assure you.If you know of any company or any one person we can contact to show our interest it would be greatly appreciated. This generation would love this story and we need to see good quality programming especially in these trying times. So, please, please if you can help us, please let us know. Thank you.
Sorry to disagree with you, but I highly enjoyed this movie and have been waiting patiently for it to be released onto DVD. I thought it was a good movie, and I saw it several times on TV, before they stopped showing it. I think Charles Durning is very believable as Santa, and that Bruce Vilanch as Philpot is genius. I also think Wayne Osmond as the father is very believable too. As Santa Claus is all about things that could never happen, a movie about the fantasy of Christmas is very appropriate. It's not about Jesus, therefore, anything goes. I think this deserves to be just as highly thought of as The Santa Clause, and sequels, in that vein. And children probably loved the movie too. So to the powers that be that can say this movie can go to DVD, please do so. :)
This movie reminds me of my childhood, when it was played on television every year at Christmas time. My sister, brother and I used to get so excited, yelling and screaming every time we knew it was coming on TV. Although it may not have any mention of religion (not ALL of us are religious) it is a very cute tale that brings warm happy memories to mind. I don't understand why they stopped playing it every year, as far as I'm concerned it's just as important as the Grinch movie. What can I say, I am a sucker for Christmas movies... I just wish I could find it on DVD!! Anyone know where to find it? Looked everywhere but this movie cannot be found!?!?!
- twisted_ktea
- Nov 8, 2008
- Permalink
I feel this movie will leave you with the feeling so many have lost over the years - love and a feeling of goodness. This movie tries to point out the missing elements not just in Christmas but in our everyday lives. Stop and take the time to actually watch and listen to this movie not just with your eyes but with your heart. Beverly Rowland was perfect as Mrs. Claus and Charles Durning was superb in his portrayal of a saddened Santa. Risa Schiffman; Annette Marin; Wayne Osmond all did wonderful jobs acting. My favorite though would have to have been Philpot - what a delightful character and one that displays a little of each of us.
all i can say is there was no sex , no murders, no blood , no violence, so if you this is the stuff that you want to see, this show is not for you, sorry about that. but it was a great show for families with young children , and i hope to see it every year so my grand children can see it . thank you for this show. i loved Waynes song and feel it falls in the traditions of the Osmonds Brothers and Christmas, clean and beautiful. the story gives the feelings of hope kindness and love. i liked all the characters and the plot was also very good. you cant please everyone and some would like a character like Freddy from Friday the thirteenth. you cant make everyone like the same thing, but please don't put this movie on the shelf lots of people are waiting to see it again.
I taped It Nearly wasn't Christmas several years ago but for some reason I didn't watch it until this year and so far I have watched it 3 times and I think this movie is great! It is about a little girl named Jennifer who lives in Illinois and she is unhappy that her father (Played by Wayne Osmond) has been working in California and can't make it home for Christmas and her mother is to busy and doesn't have enough money to take Jennifer and herself to see him so Jennifer runs away and meets Santa Claus who is on a mission to see if there are people who still care about Christmas because he is feeling that no one believes in him anymore and that people have gotten greedy and have no good will towards each other. This is a very cute movie and I really liked watching it and I thought the cast was good and Wayne Osmond who plays Jennifer's father is one of the Osmond brothers and this movie was filmed in Utah back in the late 1980's and watching this movie you will definitely see how late 80's it is especially with the clothes, hairstyles and the mother's huge eyeglasses that practically take up her whole face but despite that it's still a great movie and Ted Lange who was part of the cast of the 70's/80's TV show The Love Boat is in this too! This movie reminds me of the Christmas cartoon The Year Without A Santa Claus because like that cartoon this movie has a Santa Claus who is feeling a little down in the dumps and feeling that people just don't care about each other and needs something to show him that there are still decent people out there that are nice and caring!
- Zephyrwood
- Dec 6, 2004
- Permalink
Very poignant. I first saw it in 1991 and again in 2003. I liked it. There are three themes they are: the innocence of childhood, Christmas is a special time of year, and it is easy to down and discouraged especially around Christmas. Merle Osmen played the father. I remember him from the Osmne Brothers when I was a kid and they had a Saturday morning cartoon. Some may remember Ted Lange from The Love Boat. The acting is good. There are several other movies about Christmas with these themes such as "Santa Clause". I hope that this movie is available on Video. There are many other good Christmas movies we don't see at Christmas. It reminds me of the Movie "Santa Clause".
- johnclones
- May 17, 2004
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I have been looking for this movie on video forever! I watched it every year as a little girl & they never play it on TV anymore. I always say it has the guy from the love boat lol even though it's not...such a classic Christmas movie!
- jamaicabsb
- Nov 12, 2018
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I just saw the movie yesterday on the Disney Channel. I watch the Disney Channel all the time. When I saw it, I decided to watch it. I have to say, I really loved this movie. It really tore my heart to imagine Santa giving up on us, but when he came through, I was happy. I loved that song that Wayne Osmond sang. After I watched the movie, I had to get on here. I didn't know that Wayne was part of the Osmond clan. I love Donny and Marie. If this movie was on TV again, I'd watch it in a heart beat.
- DravensGurl2001
- Dec 9, 2003
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I seen this movie back in 1993 on TV. it was the only time I have seen it. I though it was a great movie. It had a real good story line a had a fine Director. the filming location in Utah was the right place to do it for the feel of Christmas. Most of the actors, I had not seen before, but they did a real good job. The little girl that play Jennifer Baxter did a fantastic job. We need more movies like it! for our children to see. I have look for this movie on video. I have found out that they never put it out on video. If they were smart they would. It give's any one who seen it a great feel of Christmas and the feeling of what helping others in need is, and what being a family at Christmas should be.
This is a cute, family, Christmasy-time movie. The acting is not the strongest but it's a movie that has meaning in it, sure to warm your heart. I probably like this movie more than most people that have seen it simply because I've had it on tape ever since I was child and have watched it every year around Christmas time and have grown to love it. It is still a good movie that people should try to watch if they ever get the opportunity!
- starsprite
- Jun 25, 2003
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I saw this movie in 91 and again in 2003. I liked it. It is very poignant. The themese are the innocence of children and that there is good in the world. I remember Merle Osmand form the Osmand Brothers when I was a child. i didn't know that he was in to acting. We always hear about Donny and Merie. The acting is good. Some of the actors are famous and some are not. It is a good story about Santa Clause. There are other movies which Santa looses hope. Personally, I think that Chrismas is a special time of year and people sometimes get discouraged with all of they hype. Rent this one you will like it!
- johnclones
- May 17, 2004
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