Alan North credited as playing...
Mayor Don Bottman
- Dr. Frank Napier: Don, the man has a legitimate problem. How's he supposed to keep drug dealers out of his school if their buddies can just push open the exit doors and let 'em walk on in?
- Mr. Rosenberg: He's got a point, sir.
- Mayor Don Bottman: Rosenberg, this doesn't concern you.
- Mayor Don Bottman: What do you want?
- Leonna Barrett: Clark!
- Mayor Don Bottman: Just like that, huh? Head on a platter.
- Leonna Barrett: You think I got an attitude. Well, let me tell you what I think. I know why you like Clark. He's a guard dog. Does your dirty work. Keeps the black folk in line - that's fine. But you've got to get re-elected. I've got enough folks lined up with me to give you a DAMN hard time, and I will get more. I will organize. I will beat the streets.
- Mayor Don Bottman: Unless I do what?
- Leonna Barrett: Appoint me to the school board so we can vote Clark out. Otherwise, we'll just have to vote you out.
- Mayor Don Bottman: Vote me out? You know, it's always good to see citizens avail themselves of the democratic process.
- Leonna Barrett: My job's gonna be easy. You're not too popular these days, are ya?
- Mr. Rosenberg: [in a conference room at city hall] Mr. Mayor it seems that Mr. Clark's students have assembled outside in an exercise of their first amendment rights.
- Mayor Don Bottman: How many?
- Mr. Rosenberg: It looks like... all of them.
- Mayor Don Bottman: We're in a tough spot here. I have to ask for your help, Joe. It's not for me, it's for those kids out there. They're highly emotional, they're all jacked-up. You have to send them home.
- Joe Clark: I don't have to do nothing but stay black and die!
- Mayor Don Bottman: Oh for crying out loud.