- Eclipse, Dallas, others: [after the re-building of the Mustang] When we're in a sober mood, we worry, work and think. When we're in a drunken mood, we gamble, play and drink. But when our moods are over, when our time is come to pass, we hope they bury us upside down, so the warden can kiss our ass!
- Dallas: Amen!
- Captain Meissner: Convict... two things. One - I am Meissner. Two - Never fuck with Meissner. Inside.
- Chink Weber: [Leone sits] Move it, Ace. That's my spot.
- [Leone moves]
- Chink Weber: Uh-uh, that's my spot, too.
- Frank Leone: Any spot in here that isn't yours?
- Chink Weber: Nope, they're all mine. You wanna use it, you gotta pay.
- Chink Weber: [Leone gets up] Not so fast, Ace. I'm not gonna gouge ya. That little thing around your neck? That'll buy ya a spot for the day.
- Captain Meissner: You'll be issued one bar of soap, two rolls of toilet paper for a month! Somebody steals... *turn* your ass around! Somebody steals them or you lose them, you *will* be wiping your ass with your shirt! You have one uniform! Your number is five one zero! *Remember* it! This is C wing! You will eat, shower, and take yard time with your wing! There's six counts a day! You miss one, you're in the hole! Miss two, and I'll personally put you in the house of pain!
- Eclipse: Tell me, what put you in the joint in the first place?
- Frank Leone: Well, one night these punks broke into the garage and put a beating on old man Galetti. The whole neighborhood knew about it. The cops knew about it. But I guess these punks were connected, so the cops didn't do anything and I did. So after all the smoke had cleared, these guys ended up in the hospital and I ended up doing 18 months in Treadmore for aggravated assault.
- Warden Drumgoole: [Leone has faked an escape from Gateway. While Meissner and Braden lead a fruitless search outside the prison walls, Drumgoole double-checks the security cameras from his darkened office. Suddenly, Frank emerges from the shadows and takes the warden at knifepoint] ... You won't get away with this. You know that, don't you?
- Frank Leone: I could've gotten out... But I'm not gonna spend my life running from you.
- [He marches Drumgoole from the warden's office to Gateway's execution chamber]
- Frank Leone: Get your ass inside... Bolt that door, bolt it!
- Warden Drumgoole: You can't use me as a hostage...
- Frank Leone: Shut up! You recognize that chair? You built it, didn't you? Now get in it. Sit there! Don't even think about moving.
- [He goes about buckling and strapping Drumgoole into the electric chair]
- Frank Leone: You said you'd give me a guided tour of hell; now I'll *show* you Hell! All right, move your leg...! You double-crossed Dallas and then fried him; now *you're* gonna fry...! You had First-Base murdered, broke his goddamn neck...!
- [Having been alerted to what's happening, Meissner and Braden lead a squad of armed guards toward the execution chamber]
- Warden Drumgoole: You can't make this work. You're not smart enough. You're just a stupid piece of scum.
- Frank Leone: Shut up! We'll see who's scum.
- Warden Drumgoole: You're no murderer. You don't have the guts to kill another man, not even to save your own life.
- Frank Leone: Wanna bet...?
- [He turns on the generator and starts running it up to full power]
- Frank Leone: Ten more years, isn't that what you said...? How about *twenty*? Or maybe *forty*...? No, it doesn't matter what they give me; because you won't be satisfied... until you've got me for *life!*
- [Outside the execution chamber, Braden moves up with a battering ram while Meissner looks on]
- Captain Meissner: Make a hole. Take it down...!
- Frank Leone: Well, I ain't serving life for nothing!
- Captain Meissner: ...Lean on it, man!
- Warden Drumgoole: ...They're gonna break that door down, Frank. And when they come in here, they're gonna take you're fucking skull apart! You're gonna beg me to let them kill you!
- Captain Meissner: ...Come on, break it down!
- [Leone tapes his wrist to the master switch, the one that will electrocute Drumgoole]
- Captain Meissner: Harder, man. Harder! Lean on it!
- [the door is broken down; Meissner and his men sweep into the execution chamber]
- Warden Drumgoole: No!
- Captain Meissner: Take out the glass!
- Warden Drumgoole: No, don't shoot! He's taped himself to the lever. Don't shoot, or you'll...!
- Captain Meissner: Hold your fire. Relax - HOLD YOUR FIRE! Just relax.
- Frank Leone: I'm glad you're here, Meissner. This wouldn't be official without witnesses.
- Warden Drumgoole: He's bluffing. He wants me to take responsibility for his escape attempt, just like before.
- Frank Leone: Tell them how you set me up, how you set everything up!
- Warden Drumgoole: I don't know what you're talking about.
- Frank Leone: I'm talking about Chink Weber killing First-Base. I'm talking about that guard you sent to rape Melissa. I'm talking about that deal you cut with Dallas and then broke!
- Warden Drumgoole: Prove it! That's your problem, Frank. You can't prove *jack shit!*
- Frank Leone: I don't *need* to prove jack shit. I'm not here for a trial; I'm here for an execution.
- Warden Drumgoole: I demand to be released from here...!
- [Leone prepares to pull the lever]
- Warden Drumgoole: ... No!
- Captain Meissner: Don't do it, Leone. Don't do it. Take it easy.
- Frank Leone: This is the way things ought to be, remember? You stood right over there, in this same room, and told me so yourself! Care to eat those words now...?
- [He gets ready to throw the master-switch]
- Warden Drumgoole: Frank! Please, Frank. Don't kill me. It's true.
- [speaking up]
- Warden Drumgoole: I confess, Mr. Meissner. Everything that he said is true. I set him up; I had those two prisoners murdered; I sent one of your men to rape that girl... Don't kill me, please. Don't...
- Frank Leone: It's time to take what you dished out.
- [He pulls the lever; Drumgoole reacts accordingly, but doesn't die. Then Leone opens the fuse-box, letting Meissner see that one of the fuses missing. Frank produces the missing fuse from his pocket and passes it to Meissner]
- Frank Leone: ... Works better with this.
- Warden Drumgoole: [after Leone has gotten Drumgoole to confess, and then revealed that the electric chair's fuse had been removed beforehand] ... Take him to the Hole, Mister Meissner.
- [Meissner doesn't move]
- Warden Drumgoole: And *somebody get me out of this chair*... Thank you. Mister Meissner, *I said take him to the Hole*.
- Captain Meissner: Can't do that. Take the warden into custody.
- [Braden cuffs up Drumgoole]
- Warden Drumgoole: ...Stop that! I am warden of this institution, and you will obey my - Stop it! - That was just a stupid confession I made to try and save my own life. ARE YOU INSANE, MEISSNER?
- Captain Meissner: No, but *you* are. And until this matter is resolved by a judicial inquiry, you *will* remain in our custody.
- Warden Drumgoole: I'll have your ass for this. *I'll have your sorry black ass*.
- Captain Meissner: You're welcome to it. Now *I'm* gonna tell *you* something. If so much as *half* of what he
- [indicates Leone]
- Captain Meissner: just told us turns out to be the truth, I'll see you back in this chair... I'll *personally* throw the switch... and next time, IT *WILL* WORK.
- [to Braden]
- Captain Meissner: Move him.
- Frank Leone: ...I just wanted to do my time, Captain.
- Captain Meissner: You'll get the chance. Move him.
- Frank Leone: [after arriving at Gateway] You've got the wrong man! You made a mistake!
- Warden Drumgoole: There's no mistake... Welcome to Gateway, Leone.
- Frank Leone: Drumgoole?
- Captain Meissner: That's Warden Drumgoole, convict!
- Warden Drumgoole: Captain?
- Captain Meissner: Move him!
- Braden: He woulda put that shank in you! Whadya cover for him for?
- Frank Leone: You got your rules. We got ours.
- Captain Meissner: Every hour, when the light comes on, you'll stand, face the camera and state your name and number
- Captain Meissner: Name and number!
- Frank Leone: [Leone faces wall] Leone. Five ten.
- Captain Meissner: Face the camera!... Name and number!
- Frank Leone: [Leone turns] Leone. Five ten.
- Chink Weber: [football bounces off Leone] Feel somethin', Leone?
- Chink Weber: Wanna play? They're a man short.
- Chink Weber: [Leone and 1st Base walk away] HEY! I'm talkin' to you!
- [to 1st]
- Chink Weber: Hey punk! When're ya gonna paint your nails and answer to the name "bitch"?
- First Base: Hey, you know, you got a big mouth! Whyncha keep it shut?
- Warden Drumgoole: [Leone has been taken to a darkened room and shut inside. He turns around and sees a glass-enclosed electric chair. Drumgoole emerges from the shadows] Hello, Frank. In the old days, the warden would come down that private passageway from his office to this execution chamber... in order to witness the putting-to-death of a criminal. 120 men and 4 women were electrocuted in that chair before it was retired. Beautiful, isn't it? When I came to Gateway, it was falling apart. So I had it restored, put back into perfect working order, as a reminder of how things ought to be... It's been nearly five years since you escaped from Treadmore, Frank.
- Frank Leone: Time flies when you're having fun.
- Warden Drumgoole: In all the years that I was warden there, you're the only prisoner who ever made it over my wall.
- Frank Leone: So I read in the papers.
- Warden Drumgoole: Yes, of course you did. You and your lawyers made sure that everything made it into the papers, didn't you? Not to mention the media. Distorting the truth and the facts... making a criminal into a hero, and a warden into a criminal. You took my future away from me. You, and those bleeding-heart politicians, who sent me here to Gateway -- the worst rathole in the system.
- Frank Leone: You could've done something about that, instead of making it worse still! Or don't you believe in making lemonade out of lemons? Anyhow, all I had was two weeks to go before my release. I asked you -- no, *begged* you -- for one hour to visit my father before he died. You could've given me an escorted leave, with armed guards!
- Warden Drumgoole: You broke the law. And *I* was punished for it!
- Frank Leone: I got five years. I paid my debt!
- Warden Drumgoole: To the State, not to me. But you're going to.
- Frank Leone: I've got just six months left on my sentence.
- Warden Drumgoole: In Gateway, six months can -- and might -- become a lifetime... even a dozen lifetimes. Anything can, and might, happen if I see fit. Every minute here will be hard time. You have no rights here, unless I give them to you. You feel no pleasure here, unless I say you can. This is hell... and I'm about to give you the guided tour.
- Manly: [Melissa has come to see Frank in Gateway's infirmary] ... Thirty-minute visit, Leone. Compliments of the warden. Don't waste it.
- Melissa: So how are you feeling?
- Frank Leone: Better than I was yesterday, thanks.
- Manly: Half an hour.
- [He leers at Melissa]
- Manly: If you need any help, just give me a call, huh? I'll give her some action she'll never forget.
- [He retires]
- Melissa: Are they all like that?
- Frank Leone: Some are worse. But don't worry about it. You look great.
- Melissa: And you look...
- Frank Leone: No, don't tell me what I look like. I'm doing my best not to think about it.
- Melissa: I've missed you so much... No more separations. Promise?
- Frank Leone: My sentiments exactly.
- [Manly reappears, leering at Melissa]
- Manly: Nice view. Time's up, Leone.
- Melissa: What's the matter with you?
- Manly: What part of "Time's up" don't you understand?
- Melissa: The warden said half an hour.
- Manly: The warden just changed his mind.
- Melissa: What? Why? Look, I wanna talk to the warden.
- Manly: What you wanna do is keep your mouth shut, fix your clothes, and get out. Let's go, lady.
- [He grabs Melissa and drags her toward the exit]
- Frank Leone: Don't touch her.
- [Manly turns and glares at him dangerously]
- Manly: What did you say to me? "Don't touch her?" You're a slow learner, pal; you know that?
- Melissa: Hey, don't bother to point the way out; I'll find it on my own.
- Manly: What's your hurry, sweet-buns? Come back here anytime; *I'll* give you something to squeal over.
- [Melissa winces in disgust, then storms out]
- Braden: [Braden finds Manly and a two other guards torturing Leone in his cell] That's enough! Who ordered this?
- Manly: The warden. What's it to you?
- Braden: Does the warden hate this guy enough to kill him? 'Cause that ain't my job.
- Manly: Check out *Mr. Sensitive* here; he thinks we're treating Leone too rough. So who are you, one of the cops or one of the cons?
- Braden: You want me? Come on!
- [as Manly savagely turns on Braden, Meissner walks in on them]
- Captain Meissner: Break it up...! Damn you, I said break it up! BREAK IT THE HELL UP...!
- [He forcefully parts Braden and Manly]
- Captain Meissner: Your stick, Mister Braden.
- Manly: [to Meissner] Warden's orders.
- [to Braden]
- Manly: You're lucky he showed up, Pussy.
- [Braden lunges at him but is stopped by Meissner]
- Captain Meissner: Then let me *hear* it from the warden. And *you* get out of my sight, before I shine my boots with your face... you fat piece of shit!
- Manly: [insulted] What did you call me? Just try that, you sorry limp-dicked nigger...!
- [Meissner sends Braden's nightstick crashing into Manly's solar plexus; Manly sags to his knees, gasping and choking]
- Captain Meissner: Get him out of my sight. Now.
- [Braden and the other guards pull Manly to his feet and haul him away]
- Captain Meissner: And don't ever call me "sorry" again!
- [Turns back to Leone]
- Captain Meissner: You -- Time's up. Let's go.
- Warden Drumgoole: Frank! Please, Frank. Don't kill me. It's true. I confess. I confess. Mr. Meissner, everything that he said was true. I set him up. Everything. Please. Don't kill me. Don't...
- Warden Drumgoole: [Leone has been tricked by Drumgoole into an escape attempt... along with Dallas, who is also being set up by the warden. As both prisoners reach Gateway's darkened steam plant, they are cornered by guards. Then Drumgoole emerges from the shadows] Right on schedule, Frank.
- Dallas: I'm sorry, man; you were my ticket out of here.
- Frank Leone: Damn you! You had me set up the whole time?
- Dallas: Not the *whole* time. I got 30 years to go, man; I wouldn't have lasted half that long. The warden made me a deal, man!
- Warden Drumgoole: Wrong.
- [Shocked, Dallas whirls and stares at him]
- Warden Drumgoole: I don't make deals with escaping prisoners.
- Dallas: What the hell are you talking about? You said if I...
- Warden Drumgoole: Shut up. You're going back to the population.
- Dallas: WHAT...? You can't do this to me, warden; you can't send me back to the population. They know I snitched him off! THEY'LL *KILL* ME, YOU *LYING BASTARD!*
- Warden Drumgoole: It takes one to know one, doesn't it?
- Dallas: I came through for you, goddamn it! You made me an offer, and I -- !
- Warden Drumgoole: And you were stupid enough to take it. That's your problem, not mine. Mister Manly, you know what to do.
- [Manly and the other guards beat Dallas to a pulp, while Drumgoole and a restrained Frank look on]
- Frank Leone: That's enough.
- Manly: Go screw yourself, Leone!
- Frank Leone: You're gonna kill him!
- Manly: Yeah, one less mouth to feed; that's the fucking idea. Now sit on it!
- [Finally, Drumgoole motions for the guards to stand down; they leave a severely-pummeled and bleeding Dallas on the floor]
- Warden Drumgoole: This is an automatic 10 years, Frank, for a second escape attempt. I knew you'd cross the line. I told them you were a hard-core criminal. They'll believe me now. And *you'd* better believe that you'll be a *guest of honor* here at Gateway, for the rest of your life. He's all yours, Mister Manly.
- Manly: Some dealmaker.
- [Manly deposits a groaning and barely-conscious Dallas in a drainage-pool]
- Manly: See? Shit does floats, doesn't it?