- Agents of Geek - Blu-ray [Gladys Angulo]
- b-movies.gr
- Greek
- BandSAboutMovies.com [Sam Panico]
- Cyborg City 3000 [Chris]
- D-Contextualized - Chilling DVD [Donald J Deeley]
- Daily Dead - Blu-ray [Patrick Bromley]
- Dimension Fantastica [James Wallestein]
- Spanish
- Don's World of Horror and Exploitation [Don Anelli]
- Down Among the Z Movies [SteveQ]
- Dread Central - Blu-ray [Anthony Arrigo]
- DVD Drive-In - Blu-ray [Eric Cotenas]
- DVD Talk - Blu-ray [Adam Tyner]
- DVDcompare.net (Blu-ray Disc) [Anthony Arrigo]
- El Gabinete del Reverendo Wilson [Dani Rodríguez]
- Spanish
- FilmsFantastiques.com [Gilles Penso]
- French
- Final Girl [Stacie Ponder]
- Flick Attack [Rod Lott]
- From the Mind of Tatlock - Blu-ray [Michael Tatlock]
- Horror Habit [Jolie Bergman]
- Horror Movies Blog [Josh Mogan]
- Icons of Fright - Blu-ray [Leonel VHS]
- Italo-Cinema.de [Gerald Kuklinski]
- German
- Letterboxd
- McBastard's Mausoleum - Blu-ray [Ken Kastenhuber]
- Oh, the Horror! [Brett Gallman]
- Popcorn Nights - Blu-ray [Marc Ferman]
- Rock! Shock! Pop! [Ian Jane]
- Terror Hook.com [Rick L. Blalock] (Blu-Ray)
- The Spinning Image [Graeme Clark]
- The Video Basement [Kevin Burns & William Tuttle]
- TheMoonisaDeadWorld.net [Ryne Barber]
- Tierhorror.de
- German
- Weird Wild Realm [Paghat the Ratgirl]
- Why So Blu? - Blu-ray [Brandon Peters]
- World Film Geek
- Zisi Emporium for B Movies [Christopher Zisi]
- Zombies Don't Run - Blu-ray [Chuck Conry]
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