- [Henry bursts into the church, to find the vicar trying to strangle Eva]
- Henry Wilt: Now you listen here, if anyone's going to murder my wife, it's going to be me!
- [Flint has found Henry in the graveyard]
- Inspector Flint: I bet if we dug up these graves, we'd find a dead body in every one!
- Henry Wilt: Well, so would I!
- Inspector Flint: Your wife! Your wife is *dead*!
- Henry Wilt: You know what, Inspector, for the first time since I met you, you're in danger of actually being right about something!
- [Henry wacks Flint into an open grave with the shovel, and runs off]
- [Henry is looking through the kitchen cupboards]
- Henry Wilt: [looking at the dog] Where does she keep the Marmite, Dasher?
- Cranham: Don't tell the bastards nothing!
- Henry Wilt: Anything, Cranham! Don't tell the bastards "anything"!
- Dave: [Indicating the students] They look like football hooligans!
- Henry Wilt: They *are* football hooligans!
- Inspector Flint: [to Wilt, who has just attacked him thinking he is a mugger] I *am* the fucking police, you gormless erection!
- Henry Wilt: So what am I supposed to have done with the body, then?
- [sarcastic]
- Henry Wilt: Dissolved it in a huge vat of acid?
- Dr. Pittman: Aha!
- Henry Wilt: Oh, come on! Do you know how much acid that would take?
- Dr. Pittman: Why don't you tell me?
- Henry Wilt: No, anybody who'd believe that theory can't have his head screwed on straight!
- [Dr Pittman has a noticeable crick in his neck]
- Eva Wilt: [reads from the Bible on the lectern] "Beauty in a woman without good judgement is like a gold ring in the snout of a swine."
- Henry Wilt: I couldn't feel inferior to a merchant banker for the same reason I couldn't feel inferior to a 30-watt light bulb. They are both dim and server no discernible function!
- Henry Wilt: You can beat me up if you like - it won't do any good.
- Inspector Flint: You're wrong there - It'll do me the power of good!
- [Flint has realised that Henry is innocent of all charges]
- Inspector Flint: In that case, *I* am under arrest. I am hereby arresting myself, for conspiring to falsify evidence for the wrongful arrest of a private citizen, misuse of police manpower and resources, and for knowingly obtaining an unlicensed firearm from an illegal source, with intent to murder and maim.
- [Hands shotgun to Eva]
- Inspector Flint: I am not obliged to say anything, but anything I do say can be noted and used as evidence. If someone would care to call the police, I shall be in the cemetery.
- [Flint exits, while Henry joins Eva]
- Henry Wilt: He's been under a lot of stress, lately.
- Inspector Flint: [Wilt has just told him what happened to Eva's note] Do you mean to say that the one piece of evidence that could corroborate your story is wrapped round a turd half way to the North Sea?
- Henry Wilt: Yes.
- Inspector Flint: How tragically inconvenient!
- Henry Wilt: [to a policewoman] Do you think they'll want to do a cast of my face for the Chamber of Horrors?
- Inspector Flint: You're inferring we're all thick?
- Henry Wilt: No, I'm IMPLYING you're all thick, you're inferring that that is what I'm IMPLYING.
- Cranham: [Pointing the the expanding appendage on the blow up doll] Now that's what I call a blow job!
- [Wilt signed a confession with a false name]
- Henry Wilt: [later on] Why didn't I sign my own name? I'd be safely locked up in Broadmoor by now!
- [sees Flint excavate the blow-up doll at the University]
- Mr Hitachi: What the fuck is happening out there?
- [in a sex shop]
- Inspector Flint: Good God! Do people really buy tartan dildos?
- Salesman: That's my thermos, Mr. Flint.
- Dr. Pittman: Does this remind you of anything?
- Henry Wilt: A Rorsharch inkblot test! That's not what you meant, though, is it? You meant is it reminiscent of some object.
- Cher: Love hurts, love scars, love wounds, love mars. Takes a lot of pain, takes a lot of pain, love is like a cloud, holds a lot of rain. Love hurts.