Jesse Corti credited as playing...
- Jose: [He's been trying to attract the vampires' attention] Come and get me, fiend of the night! You slithering slimy crawler of the dark! Come forth and meet your doom!
- 2nd American vampire: [emerges from the shadows] Okay, okay, I'm here. No need to shout.
- Jose: [gulps] Are you... are you one of them?
- 2nd American vampire: A slithering slimy crawler of the dark?
- [he bares his fangs]
- Jose: I hope you didn't take it personally.
- 2nd American vampire: [advances on him] Naw, I won't take it personally... if you won't take this personally.
- Jose: What?
- 2nd American vampire: Me ripping your head off... lapping up your blood.