Pet Sematary (1989) Poster


Dale Midkiff: Louis Creed



  • Louis Creed : My father used to have a saying, Jud. God sees the truth... But waits.

  • Louis Creed : [about the Indian Burial Ground]  Has anyone ever buried a person up there?

    Jud Crandall : [Jud spills his drink]  Christ on his throne, no. And who ever would?

  • [Louis prepares to inject the reanimated Church with the syringe] 

    Louis Creed : Today is thanksgiving day for cats, but only if they came back from the dead.

  • Louis Creed : [sees the reanimated Church laying in bed with Rachel]  Fuck off, hairball.

    Louis Creed : Fuck off, hairball.

  • Jud Crandall : How's your cat, Louis?

    Louis Creed : It's Ellie's cat.

    Jud Crandall : No. It's your cat now.

  • [Jud tells Louis the truth about the ground beyond the Pet Sematary] 

    Louis Creed : I'll bite Jud. What's the bottom of the truth?

    Jud Crandall : Well, that sometimes, death is better.

    Jud Crandall : [narrating]  The person you put up there ain't the person that comes back. It may look like that person, but it ain't that person. 'Cause... whatever lives in the ground beyond the Pet Sematary ain't human at all.

  • [Louis talks to Victor's ghost at the Pet Sematary] 

    Victor Pascow : This is the place where the dead speak.

    Louis Creed : I want to wake up. I want to wake up. That's all.

    Victor Pascow : Don't go on, doc. No matter how much you may feel you have to. Do not go on to the place where the dead... walk.

    [Victor points to the path] 

  • [the ghost of Victor warns Louis not to bury Rachel at the Indian burial ground] 

    Victor Pascow : I'm sorry, Louis, I'm so sorry, but don't make it worse. Don't.

    Louis Creed : I waited too long with Gage. With Rachel... it will work this time, because she just died. She just died a little while ago.

    Victor Pascow : [Victor screams before fading away]  Louis... don't. Please! Louis! No!

  • [Louis watches the reanimated Church die] 

    Louis Creed : Go on. Lay down. Play dead.

    Louis Creed : [Louis screams]  Be dead!

  • [Ellie asks her dad Louis where they go when they die] 

    Ellie : Is Missy in heaven, do you think?

    Louis Creed : I don't know, honey. Different people believe in all sorts of different things. Some believe in heaven or hell, and some believe we come back as little children, and some believe we just wink out, like a candle flame when the wind blows hard

    Ellie : Do you believe that?

    Louis Creed : [Louis looks down at the growling Church]  No. I think we go on

    Louis Creed : [Louis then looks at Ellie and smiles]  Yeah. I have faith in that.

    Ellie : [Ellie smiles back]  You believe in it.

  • Ellie : Daddy, what if Church dies? What if he dies and has to go to the pet cemetery?

    Louis Creed : Honey, Church will be fine.

    Ellie : No, he won't. Not in the end. In the end he's gonna croak, isn't he?

    Louis Creed : Lovey, Church might still be alive when you're in high school, and that's a very long time.

    Ellie : It doesn't seem long to me. It seems short.

    Louis Creed : Well, if it was up to me, I'd let Church live up to be 100, but I don't make up the rules.

  • [the Creed family agree to pay for Church to get groomed] 

    Ellie : Can cats have shampoos?

    Rachel : Yes, but you have to take them to someone who grooms animals though, and I think it's pretty expensive.

    Ellie : I don't care, I'll save my allowance to pay for it. Church smells bad.

    Louis Creed : I'll cough up the money, Ellen.

    Ellie : I hate that smell.

    Louis Creed : Yes. I hate it, too.

  • [Louis hears the reanimated Gage in Jud's house] 

    Gage : Scared you, didn't I?

    Louis Creed : Gage?

    Gage : Hi, daddy. now I want you play with you.

    Louis Creed : [Gage wickedly laughs]  All right, Gage.

    Louis Creed : [Louis pulls out his syringe]  Let's play.

    [Gage laughs] 

  • [Louis warns his wife about if Church's operation goes wrong] 

    Louis Creed : If anything does happen while he's under the gas, and that's a 1 in a 1,000 shot, but it does happen, you explain it to her.

    Gage : [Gage throws food at Church's box]  Church!

  • [Missy sees Louis loading up to take Church for his operation] 

    Missy Dandridge : Going to get his...

    Louis Creed : Nuts cut, yes. Thank you, Missy, for introducing that colorful phrase into my daughter's vocabulary.

    Missy Dandridge : Don't mention it.

  • Louis Creed : Hey, why are you here?

    Victor Pascow : I want to help you because, Louis? Because you tried to help me.

  • [Victor's ghost touches Louis] 

    Louis Creed : I don't like this dream.

    Victor Pascow : Who said you were dreaming?

  • [Victor's ghost speaks to Louis on the ground] 

    Victor Pascow : The barrier was not meant to be crossed.

    Louis Creed : [Louis cries]  It's not my fault that you died. You were as good as dead when they brought you in.

    Victor Pascow : The ground beyond... is sour.

  • [Jud tells Louis to keep the Indian burial ground a secret] 

    Jud Crandall : When you talk to them... not one word about what we done tonight.

    Louis Creed : What did we do tonight, Jud?

    Jud Crandall : What we did, Louis, was a... secret thing. Women are supposed to be the ones who are good at keeping secrets, but any woman who knows anything at all will tell you she's never seen into a man's heart. The soil of a man's heart, Louis, is stonier, like the soil up there in the old Micmac burial ground.

  • Rachel : [Louis is lying on the bed, reading a book as Rachel enters the bedroom]  I heard you and Ellie, tonight.

    Louis Creed : I figured you might have. I know you don't approve of the subject.

    Rachel : I just get... scared. And you know me...

    [She sits down on the bed] 

    Rachel : ... When I get scared, I get defensive.

    Louis Creed : [He puts his book down, and sits up, facing Rachel]  Scared of what? Dying?

    Rachel : [Hesitant at first]  My sister, Zelda...

    Louis Creed : I know, she died. Spinal Meningitis.

    Rachel : She was in the back bedroom like a dirty secret.

    [the scene cuts to a flashback of a young Rachel entering Zelda's bedroom with Zelda's dinner, as Rachel's voice over continues] 

    Rachel : My sister died in the back bedroom and that's what she was: a dirty secret. I had to feed her sometimes. I hated it, but I did it.

    [the scene shows a young Rachel feeding Zelda, with the young Rachel looking grossed out, with Zelda beginning to cough] 

    Rachel : We wanted to her dead. We wished for her to be dead. It wasn't so that she wouldn't feel anymore pain. It was so that we wouldn't feel any more pain. It was because she was starting to look like this monster.

    [Cuts back to the present day, with Rachel continuing her story] 

    Rachel : Even now, I wake up and think, "Is Zelda dead, yet? Is she?"

    [the scene cuts back to the flackback with a young Rachel standing on the staircase] 

    Rachel : My parents were gone when she died.

    Zelda : [In flashback]  Rachel.

    [Zelda laughs] 

    Rachel : [Flashback shows Zelda choking, with a young Rachel trying to assist]  She started to... she started to convulse. And I thought... I thought, "Oh, my God. She's choking. Zelda's choking. And they'll come home and they'll say, 'You hated her, Rachel'", and that was true. They'll say, "You wanted her to be dead", and that was true, too. Then, she died. And I started to scream, I ran out of the house screaming, "Zelda's dead! Zelda's dead! Zelda's dead!" And the neighbors, they came out and they looked.

    [the scene shows a young Rachel running down the stairs crying, with her neighbors standing in the front door, looking up at her, strangely, as she runs out of the house, where the scene cuts back to present day] 

    Rachel : And they thought I was crying. But you know something? I think maybe... I was laughing.

    Louis Creed : [Louis embraces her in a hug, as she cries]  If you were, I salute you for it. And if I ever needed another reason to not like your Mother and Father, I have one now. You should've never been left alone with her, Rachel, never. Where was a nurse? They actually went out and left an 8-year-old kid in charge of her dying sister, who was probably clinically insane by then.

    [He gets up] 

    Rachel : Where you going?

    Louis Creed : To get you a valium.

    Rachel : But you know I don't take-...

    Louis Creed : - -Tonight, you do.

  • [Louis answers the phone to talk to the reanimated Gage] 

    Gage : I'm at Jud's daddy. Will you come over and play with me? First I play with Jud. Then mommy came, and I played with mommy. We play, daddy? We had an awful good time Now, I want to play with you.

    Louis Creed : [Gage laughs wickedly]  What did you do?

    Gage : [Louis screams]  What did you do!

  • Louis Creed : My little girl's got a cat. Winston Churchill. We call him Church for short.

    Jud Crandall : I'd get him fixed if I were you. Fixed cat don't tend to wander.

  • [Gage bumps his father with his toy] 

    Gage : Uh-Oh!

    Louis Creed : [Louis smiles]  Uh-Oh.

  • Louis Creed : Church will be just the same. Well, almost the same, and we won't have to worry about him getting run over in the road by trucks. Church will be all right, honey.

    Ellie : You promise, daddy?

    Rachel : Don't shilly-shally, Louis, give the little girl a promise.

    Louis Creed : Church will be fine. I promise.

    Ellie : Yay!

  • Jud Crandall : [on the phone]  Louis, afraid you may have a spot of trouble here.

    Louis Creed : Jud? What trouble?

    Jud Crandall : Well, there's a dead cat over here at the edge of my lawn.

    Louis Creed : Oh, Jesus.

    Jud Crandall : I think it might be your daughter's.

  • [Jud and Louis stand over Church's dead body] 

    Jud Crandall : At least it don't look like he suffered.

    Louis Creed : Well, Ellie will suffer. She'll suffer plenty.

  • [Jud suggests they handle burying Church a better way] 

    Jud Crandall : You going to tell Ellie?

    Louis Creed : I'll have to mull that over for a while. Maybe when they call I'll just tell her I haven't seen the damn cat around, you know? I don't want to spoil her holiday, and Rachel's.

    Jud Crandall : Maybe... there's a better way

  • Jud Crandall : [Jud shows Louis how to climb the hill of branches at the Pet Sematary]  I've climbed it a time or two before. I know all the places to step. Just follow me. Move easy. Don't look down... and don't stop. If you stop, you'll crash through for sure. Just don't stop, and...

    Louis Creed : [falls through the branches]  And don't look down. Right.

  • Jud Crandall : [after Louis falls through the branches]  Louis, You all right?

    Louis Creed : Yeah. I just lost my happy thoughts there for a second.

  • [Louis hears a scream as they make their way to the Indian burial ground] 

    Louis Creed : Jud, what's that?

    Jud Crandall : Shh!

    Jud Crandall : [the two remain silent for a moment as they hear what sounds like a scream]  Just a loon, that's all.

  • [Jud and Louis make their way to the Indian burial ground] 

    Jud Crandall : [through the forest]  Won't be much longer now.

    Jud Crandall : [through the rocks]  Just down here a little ways.

    Jud Crandall : [on the mountain]  Almost there, Louis.

    Louis Creed : You keep saying that.

    Jud Crandall : This time I mean it.

  • [Jud shows Louis the Indian burial ground] 

    Louis Creed : What is this place?

    Jud Crandall : This is their burial ground.

    Louis Creed : Whose burial ground?

    Jud Crandall : Micmac Indians. I brought you here to bury Ellie's cat.

    Louis Creed : Why, for God's sake? I said why Jud?

    Jud Crandall : I had my reasons.

  • [Louis talks to Ellie on the phone] 

    Louis Creed : Hi, baby. How's everything in Chicagoland?

    Ellie : Grandma and grandpa gave me all sorts of neat things. How's Church, daddy? Does he miss me?

    Louis Creed : Well... I guess he's just fine, Ellie. I haven't seen him this evening, but, ah...

    Ellie : Well, make sure you put him down in the cellar before you go to bed so he won't run out in the road. And, kiss him good night for me.

    Louis Creed : [Louis smiles]  Yuck. Kiss your own cat.

  • [Louis talks to Gage on the phone] 

    Ellie : Want to talk to Gage?

    Louis Creed : Yeah.

    Gage : Hi, daddy. I love you.

    Gage : [Louis remains silent]  Hi, daddy. I love you.

    [Louis remains silent] 

  • [Louis examines the reanimated Church] 

    Louis Creed : Christ, I don't believe this. You stink, Church.

    Louis Creed : [Louis holds up Church]  Hold on a second. Gosh, he chewed his way out. Jesus Christ.

    Louis Creed : [when Church scratches Louis on his face]  Damn it!

  • [Jud cheers his beer with Louis on the front porch] 

    Jud Crandall : Meantime, Doc, here's to your bones.

    Louis Creed : And your bones.

    [both men take a drink] 

  • Louis Creed : I've tried to tell myself that I buried him alive. I'm not a vet. It was dark.

    Jud Crandall : Sure, it was dark. But his head swiveled on his neck like it was full of ball bearings. When you moved him, he pulled out of the frost, Louis. Sounded like a piece of ticky tape coming off a letter. Live things don't do that. You only stop melting the frost under where you're laying when you're dead.

  • [Louis yells at Church who shows up in his locked bathroom with him] 

    Louis Creed : How the hell did you get in here!

  • Ellie : Daddy, is Church alright?

    Louis Creed : Yes. I guess so. He was asleep on the porch when I left.

    Ellie : Cause I had a dream about him. I had a dream he got hit by a car and you and Mr. Crandall buried him in the Pet Sematary.

    Louis Creed : That was a silly dream, wasn't it?

  • Rachel : [narrating]  My parents were gone when she died.

    Zelda : [in a flashback]  Rachel! Ha ha ha.

    Rachel : [narrating]  She started to... She started to convulse... And I thought... I thought... oh, my God, she's choking. Zelda's choking. And they'll come home, and they'll say I murdered her by choking. They'll say, "You hated her, Rachel", and that was true. And they'll say, "You wanted her to be dead", and that was true too. And then she died. And I started to scream. I ran out of the house screaming, "Zelda's dead! Zelda's dead! Zelda's dead!" And the neighbors they came out and they looked...

    [with tears in her eyes] 

    Rachel : They thought I was crying. Do you know something? I think maybe... I was laughing.

    Louis Creed : If you were, I salute you for it. And If I ever needed another reason to not like your father and mother I have one now. You should never have been left alone with her Rachel, never. Where was the nurse? They actually went out and left an eight year old kid in charge of her dying sister who was probably clinically insane by then.

  • [Ellie talks to her dad while mourning for Gage] 

    Ellie : Daddy? God could take it back if he wanted to, couldn't he? If he really, really wanted to. Can I have faith in that?

    Louis Creed : Yes. I suppose you can.

  • Jud Crandall : You're thinking thoughts best not thought of, Louis.

    Louis Creed : I thinking about going to bed.

    Jud Crandall : I'm responsible for more pain in your heart than you should have tonight. For all I know, I may even be responsible for the death of your son.

    Louis Creed : What? Jud, you're talking crazy.

    Jud Crandall : You are thinking of putting him up there. Don't deny the thought hadn't crossed your mind, Louis.

  • [Jud tells Louis the Indian burial ground might have made Gage die] 

    Jud Crandall : You see, Louis, what I'm getting at here, you understand?

    Louis Creed : You're telling me that place knew Gage was going to die?

    Jud Crandall : [in tears]  I'm saying... that place might have made Gage die because I introduced you to the power. I may have murdered your son, Louis.

  • [Mr. Goldman apologizes to Louis for the funeral incident] 

    Irwin Goldman : Louis. I am sorry. What can I say? I lost my mind.

    Louis Creed : We all lost our minds, Irwin.

  • [Louis sits over Gage's grave] 

    Louis Creed : [in tears]  If it doesn't work... If he comes back... and he's like Jud said Timmy Baterman was, well, I'll just put him back to sleep. They don't have to know. Rachel and Ellie, don't ever have to know.

  • [Louis stands over Gage's grave with a shovel] 

    Louis Creed : I'm going to bust you out, son.

  • [Louis sits over Gage's Indian burial plot] 

    Louis Creed : Come back to me, Gage. Come back to us.

  • Louis Creed : How's that bellyache of yours?

    Missy Dandridge : No better. No worse.

    Louis Creed : You know, I can take a look at that for you.

    Missy Dandridge : It'll pass. They always do.

  • Ellie : I don't want Church to get his nuts cut, daddy.

    Louis Creed : [chuckles]  Good God, where did you hear that?

  • [Louis wakes up from his sleep] 

    Rachel : You up, doc?

    Louis Creed : Getting there.

See also

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