In Brazil ("As Aventuras do Pinguim Arteiro"), Lolo and Pepe were named Arteiro (Fool) and Floco de Neve (Snowflake). Songs and captions were left in English.
The animation was made by the animators of the USSR, while Japan acted as a sponsor and also provided film equipment and technology for filming.
The Soviet and Japanese versions have no differences in the video or music. They differ only in language.
In the Swedish version, Lolo and Pepe have the names Pelle and Snöflingan (Snowflake), in Danish Frederik (Frederik) and Snefnug (Snowflake), in Bulgarian Skokllo (Jumper) and Snowflake, in Serbian Pingo and Pahulja (Snowflake).
Males and females of real penguins have the same appearance, but in the film, male and female penguins differ in the presence of the shirt-front in male penguins.