When I was in highschool, I found a copy of Sir Drone at the old video store in my hometown. The place was run by the family members of the Screaming Trees so they had a lot of bizarre punk rock movies and an awesome cult section. When I rented this movie, I was just getting started with my own talentless punk band so alot of the stupid stuff that goes on here was pretty relevant to the things I was trying to do. The plot involves a couple of young punk rockers attempting to form a band, I believe, to score with chicks and get beer or something like that. The band is ridiculously bad which is funny because Mike Watt is a really talented bassist. The movie looks like a home movie that was (I'm assuming) shot entirely in the SST Records office. It was directed by artist Raymond Pettibon who did most of the band Black Flag's flyers and cover art (his brother, Greg Ginn, was the guitarist for Black Flag.) Anyone who's not into the trashy low-fi aspects of punk should steer clear of this one because it's super cheap but I definitely recommend it to any up and coming punker slobs like me who probably won't realize until later that the entire film is just making fun of them.