Tim Quill credited as playing...
Brian McDermott
- Nancy Trainer: Is that all you're ever gonna want from me is sex?
- Brian McDermott: Yeah. Why, what do you want from me?
- Nancy Trainer: Your vote.
- Brian McDermott: [drunk] Act young, stay young - that's my philosophy.
- Kevin Burley: [resentfully] Yeah, well, it seems to be working for ya.
- Brian McDermott: I don't give a damn about your reasons. Your reasons are crap! You didn't TELL us! You told other people, though, didn't ya? For all I know, this whole fucking town knows about it! But not us. No, not us. What are we, huh? Do we mean anything to you? No, we're just kids, right? Kids can't be trusted. And if your own father can't trust you, then who the hell can?
- Brian McDermott: I hope you got a plan, Dad, because I SURE AS HELL DON'T! I'm depending on YOU for those answers because I'm "just a kid," DAD! And that's what daddies are for - TO PROVIDE!
- Jake McDermott: Why don't you just set some of this stuff down, and we'll go in the TV room and close the door, and we'll have it out.
- Brian McDermott: Live in your own world, Dad. I don't have time to waste.
- Brian McDermott: Don't we count? We put our whole lives into that business, too, you know? And today it's, uh, "Hey, kids by the way, fuck you. We're closed."
- Jake McDermott: Now, we have rules about that word.
- Brian McDermott: We don't have rules. You just fucked all the rules.
- Jake McDermott: I expect you to be surprised.
- Brian McDermott: What are we, huh? Come on, you're lookin' at us. Do we mean anything to you? Are we your sons?
- Jake McDermott: Let's just discuss this calmly, all right?
- Brian McDermott: Discuss it. Now you want to discuss it. You... you're... you're unbelievable.
- Brian McDermott: Dump me but don't bullshit me.
- Nancy Trainer: I didn't know I'd actually win. I thought it was just a dry run.
- Brian McDermott: Or you would have dumped me a long tome ago, right? Because it wouldn't look so good for the mayor to be seen out robbin' the cradle.
- Brian McDermott: [to Kit] Baby brother here is applying for college.
- Duncan McDermott: Yeah, well, somebody better amount to something in this family. I mean, my god, you push a broom, you sling cement, our dear mother works in a saloon - somebody has got to lift the McDurmott family name out of the mud.
- Duncan McDermott: You know, when you think about it...
- Kit McDermott: Uh-oh, Duncan's thinking.
- Duncan McDermott: ..."fuck you" isn't such a bad thing to say to somebody. I mean, it's kind of sweet. It's like saying, "I love you," only it's more... hip.
- Brian McDermott: Duncan, don't you ever shut up?
- Duncan McDermott: No, this is important. This is serious. I mean, half of the world is going around saying something to the other half and they don't even know it's a compliment. I mean, my God, this is a linguistic breakthrough!
- Kit McDermott: Danger. Philosopher crossing over here.
- Duncan McDermott: What a night! They'll talk about this for years to come. It'll change the way the world thinks, like the theory of relativity or... or the discovery of gravity. "Fuck you" is GOOD! Brian! Fuck you! Kit! Fuck you, too!
- Kit McDermott: Yeah, yeah. Eloquently put, anyway, right?
- Brian McDermott: Yes, indeed.