When Uncle Buck is in the bowling alley with Tia, Miles, and Maisey - "Pal" has already come to sit next to Tia - but in the long shot of Uncle Buck helping Maisey bowl, Tia is clearly sitting alone on the bench behind the lane.
The size of the pancakes change. In the first shot the pancake is extremely large (at around 51 mins). When Buck begins to flip it over (at around 57 mins), it is a lot smaller.
When Miles unpacks the lunch that Uncle Buck has made for him and asks the boy to his right "Would you like to talk about a possible lunch trade?" (27:51 to 28:10), the scene cuts to an overhead shot (28:11 to 28:12) of the three boys at his table propelling their chairs backwards across the room. The overhead cut has numerous continuity errors. At 28:11, (1) Miles is still unpacking his lunch so his hand is back in the lunch bag and he is missing the canned sardines and two plastic bags, (2) the boy to Miles' right is wearing a solid purple shirt rather than a blue shirt with black stripes, and (3) the sandwich in the right hand of the boy to Miles' right has been replaced with a bag of Fritos.
During the first ride to school, Buck's dashboard compass disappears.
When Buck gets his hat back at the party he puts it on his head and the top of it is partially smashed in (at around 1h 19 mins). When we see the hat again only seconds later it is not (01:19:55).
When the next door neighbor comes over to entertain Uncle Buck, we see a tone arm drop on the 45 RPM record... notice the label.. it's the old UNI label (70s Neil Diamond, late 60s Strawberry Alarm Clock) but, when the record start playing, it's the Beau Brummels' classic "Laugh, Laugh" that we hear, a song that was NEVER released (or for that matter re-released) on the UNI label.
Just after Uncle Buck punches out the drunken kid's party clown, the shot changes to an ever-darkening night-time, but during the 'darkening', the full moon never changes position.
During the shot right after Buck makes his long cough while on the phone with Bob, it appears that there is a person in bed laying beside Buck (at 10:18 in a wider shot with the foot of the bed facing the camera), and Buck looks directly at this person when he turns on the Clapper, as if to ascertain whether she woke up. Later, as he's packing his things, he does so with no indication that anyone else is there (i.e., no tiptoeing around), and he subsequently calls Chanice, which confirms that she is at her own home.
In the early scene where Bob calls Buck to ask him to house-sit while he and Cindy are away, Buck's overnight "guest" is obviously a blow-up sex doll, not a living breathing female companion. Buck even says "I just used your Christmas present", glancing at the inanimate object beside him.
When Buck drills the doorknob to get into Bug's room at the party, the keyhole is mistakenly facing the inside of the room.
The name on the assistant principal's desk shows as "Anita Hoargarth" and she pronounces it that way, but in the end credits, it is listed as "Hogarth."
When Buck takes the cat back out of the house, as he walks through the doorway you can see a person standing behind the door waiting to close it (at 01:00:33 seen through the slit between the door and the frame at the hinges). This person is a lot taller than a six year old. The form is also seen through the slit (and moves) from 01:00:17 to 01:00:27 when Buck first brings the cat into the house. The scene from 01:00:17 to 01:00:48 is shot in a single take. The intent of the film is that the children close the door because the porch light is shut off at 01:00:39 and the children giggle about it, but since children have restricted work hours and this scene does not require them to be on-camera, it would make sense that it was shot when no children were on the set.
When Buck asks if Bug picked up Tia for the make out party, Maizy is somehow able to confirm it despite not having seen him.
Bug would have heard Buck's car backfire from inside the house in the make out room and known he was there.
When Chanice enters the house, you can hear the neighbor lady, dancing with Buck, calling him by his real name - JOHN.
At the bowling alley, right after Buck bowls, 3 men are shown drinking a beer. None of the men actually drink, the first man never puts the bottle to his mouth, the second man presses his lips tight and just puts the bottle against them and the third man actually puts his thumb over the mouth of the bottle.
When Chanice shows up & confronts Buck and Marcy, she suddenly speaks with a very noticeable New York accent.