- Andy Barclay: [Approaches the Good Guy doll who reminds him of Chucky] I hate you.
- Chucky: [In a Good Guy voice] Hi, I'm... Tommy, and I'm your friend to the end! Hidey-ho! Ha, ha, ha!
- Chucky: Surprise! Did you miss me, Andy? I sure missed you. I told you. We were gonna be friends to the end. And now, it's time to play... I've got a new game, sport: It's called Hide the Soul. And guess what? You're it! Ade due Damballa. Give me the power, I beg...
- [notices Kyle sneaking through the window]
- Chucky: This isn't over you little shit. I'm not gonna spend the rest of my life as a plastic freak. Next time you're alone, you're mine!
- Kyle: [annoyed] Oh, my God.
- Andy Barclay: [Kyle removes sock from Andy's mouth] IT'S CHUCKY! LOOK OUT!
- Kyle: Shut up, you'll wake Phil and Joanne.
- Andy Barclay: Kill him, kill him.
- Kyle: Andy, stop it! Will you?
- Phil: What the hell is this now?
- Andy Barclay: It's Chucky! I told you he'd find me. Tried to take over my soul.
- Joanne: Andy, calm down.
- Kyle: You didn't have to wait up.
- Phil: Yeah? You know, Kyle, I don't believe you. You actually tied this... child up so he wouldn't tell on ya? Is that it?
- Kyle: Oh, come on, Phil!
- Andy Barclay: Chucky did it!
- Joanne: That's enough, now.
- Phil: Who's Chucky? Well, I've had it!
- [grabs Chucky and walks out of the room]
- Andy Barclay: [follows Phil] But you gotta kill him!
- Joanne: Andy!
- Chucky: [Approaches the teacher out of the closet with a long ruler] You've been very naughty, Miss Kettlewell!
- Grace Poole: Andy? What are you doing? Come on, we've got to get out of the building.
- [walks down stairwell with Andy before noticing Kyle]
- Grace Poole: Kyle? What's going on here?
- [points to fire alarm]
- Grace Poole: You did this, didn't you?
- Kyle: [nervously] He did it.
- [gestures to Chucky]
- Grace Poole: [firmly] Get into my office. Is this your idea of a joke?
- [everyone stares at Chucky]
- Grace Poole: Oh, give me that!
- Chucky: [smiles] Amazing isn't it?
- [stabs Grace three times]
- Grace Poole: Aah! Aah! Aoah! Aaaaaooohhh!
- [drops Chucky and falls into copier machine]
- Kyle: Come on!
- [grabs Andy and races out of office]
- Chucky: [slams door behind Kyle and corners Andy] Okay, sport. We're gonna have a little game of Chucky Says. Chucky says move your ass. Snap out of it! Ya act like ya never seen a dead body before!
- Chucky: [Realizing that he is trapped as a doll forever after the unsuccessful voodoo ritual, he corners Andy with a knife] You little shit! do you know what you've done? It's too late! I've spent too much time in this body! I'm fucking trapped in here!
- [Kyle comes up behind the huge stacks of packaged Good Guy dolls and shoves the boxes over to fall on Chucky]
- Chucky: What the hell-?
- [the boxes tumble all over on Chucky. He screams angrily while he struggles to get himself out of the pile]
- Phil: [throws pieces of broken antique onto table] ... Do either of you have anything to say about this?
- Kyle: I think we should talk to a lawyer first.
- Joanne: Kyle, that's not funny.
- Kyle: [CUTTING-ROOM FLOOR LINE] It wasn't meant to be.
- Joanne: You both know that statue was very important to me!
- Kyle: [CUTTING-ROOM FLOOR LINE] Sure; that's why you always left that statue out where ANYTHING might have happened to it. Frankly, Joanne, I think you underestimate the convenience of a wall-safe.
- Phil: [CUTTING-ROOM FLOOR LINE] Rule number three, missy: no sarcasm, ever. Period.
- Kyle: [CUTTING-ROOM FLOOR LINE, shrugs] Tell me everything I said isn't the cold hard truth. I'll be glad to eat the parts which aren't.
- Phil: [CUTTING-ROOM FLOOR LINE, sternly] I'm not going to tell you again, Kyle.
- [to Andy]
- Phil: Start talking, young man. Right now. And let's hope for both your sakes I believe you.
- Andy Barclay: [CUTTING-ROOM FLOOR LINE] It was broken when we found it. I offered to put it away, so it wouldn't be an issue. You didn't want me to, remember?
- Phil: Okay, you leave me no choice. Until one of you fesses up, you're both grounded.
- Kyle: I've got a date tonight!
- Kyle: How am I going to break it without losing face?
- Joanne: [CUTTING-ROOM FLOOR LINE] Just tell him you're under house arrest, Kyle.
- Kyle: [CUTTING-ROOM FLOOR LINE] No, I said *without losing face*.
- Phil: [CUTTING-ROOM FLOOR LINE] You should have dwelled on that before you broke rule number one. My heart bleeds, young lady.
- Sammy: I wanna play Red Light.
- Grace Poole: No, Sammy. I don't wanna play Red Light. Now, I want you to go to bed right now.
- Sammy: But, I'm scared.
- Grace Poole: There's nothing to be scared of, it's just a storm.
- [picks up ringing telephone]
- Grace Poole: Grace Poole.
- Chucky: Yes, I'm trying to reach Andy Barclay.
- Grace Poole: Andy no longer lives with us. Who is this?
- Chucky: This is his Uncle Charles.
- Kyle: [Andy unknowingly walks into Kyle's bedroom] Jesus! You ever hear of knocking?
- Joanne: Andy, did you find your - what? Are you crazy? Give that to me.
- [confiscates Kyle's cigarette]
- Kyle: Come on, Joanne.
- Joanne: Phil will shoot you if he catches you again. Andy, this is Kyle. She's staying with us too.
- Kyle: Charmed.
- Joanne: Kyle, what is this? You've been here three weeks. Why haven't you unpacked?
- Kyle: What for? I've never spent more than a month in any home.
- Joanne: Well, with that attitude I can see why. Now, would you do me a favor and unpack this, then help me get dinner started?
- Kyle: Can't. Gotta work tonight.
- Joanne: Kyle, that's the third night in a row. I'd really like it if you spent a little time with the family.
- Kyle: I need the money. I'm gonna be on my own next year.
- Joanne: Yes, well until then you're with us okay? Come on, Andy. I think you're really going to like it here.
- Andy Barclay: Bye.
- Policeman in Car: Okay honey, let's see your license.
- [Kyle hands license to Policeman]
- Policeman in Car: You've been clockin' 60 to 45. What's the hurry?
- Kyle: I have a date.
- Policeman in Car: You're gonna have to do better than that. Hey it's one of those Good Guys isn't it?
- Kyle: Yes it is.
- Policeman in Car: [laughs] I love these things. What's your name buddy?
- Chucky: [in his normal speaking voice] Chucky.
- Policeman in Car: Haha. That's incredible.
- [sees Chucky's nose bleeding]
- Policeman in Car: What the hell's that?
- Kyle: [looks over at Chucky] You've seen dolls that pee? This one bleeds.
- Policeman in Car: Okay, look. Just slow it down, huh? And... buckle up for safety.
- Chucky: [after Policeman walks back towards car]
- [to Kyle]
- Chucky: Now get going.
- Phil: For crying out loud, Joanne! The child needs professional help!
- Joanne: Oh, stop pretending like you're worried about Andy. You never wanted him in the first place.
- Phil: That's not true.
- Joanne: So what are you suggesting we do? Send him back?
- Phil: Well, you don't have to make it sound so horrible!
- Joanne: Do you have any idea how traumatic this could be for him?
- Phil: Traumatic? For whom Joanne? For him or for you? If that kid stays here he's gonna tear this family apart!
- Joanne: Family? Is this what you call a family? Families just don't give up on their children.
- Phil: Joanne! He's NOT our child!
- Grace Poole: [watching Andy through a one-way observation window] Naturally, he was badly traumatized by the murders. But he bounced back pretty fast at that age.
- Joanne: Poor kid.
- Grace Poole: What Andy needs now is a normal family environment. A fresh start and a chance to forget the past. Since you two have been so good with so many children. We were hoping you might foster him until his mother recovers.
- Joanne: There's always room for one more.
- Phil: [grunts of disapproval]
- Joanne: What's that supposed to mean?
- Phil: Well, he seems "normal" enough, but how's all this affected him?
- Grace Poole: Well, in order to come to terms with something he couldn't possibly understand. He, um, turned it all into a kind of fairytale. He insisted his doll was responsible. He said it was possessed by the soul of Charles Lee Ray.
- Phil: Who?
- Grace Poole: The Lakeshore Strangler. He murdered a dozen people in this series of ritual voodoo killings.
- Phil: Are we even qualified to take care of a boy like this?
- Grace Poole: Well I understand your concern Mr. Simpson. But this is just a child's way of coping with a difficult situation. Andy's fine now. He just wants to get on with his life.
- Kyle: [sarcastically] This is exactly how I wanted to spend my day off. Thanks a lot.
- Andy Barclay: But I didn't break the statue. I swear.
- Kyle: Maybe it just fell, huh?
- Andy Barclay: Hey, wanna hear me say your name backwards? Kyle.
- Kyle: Hold this.
- [hands Andy her cigarette]
- Kyle: Jesus. Give me that!
- [takes cigarette back from Andy]
- Kyle: What the hell do you think you're doing?
- Andy Barclay: I wanted to taste it.
- Kyle: Get real. It tastes like shit, okay? These things are really bad for you.
- Andy Barclay: Then why do you do it?
- Kyle: Because grown-ups are allowed to do things that are bad for them.
- Andy Barclay: You're not a grown-up.
- Kyle: You're beginning to to get on my nerves Andy. Now why don't you give me a hand over here.
- Andy Barclay: Mr. Simpson's kind of grouchy, isn't he?
- Kyle: It's not so bad. You know, there are fosters that will shoot you if you stare at 'em cross-eyed.
- Andy Barclay: Really?
- Kyle: Yeah. They think you're not there and you're just passin' through. And the minute you screw up...
- [puts her hands on Andy's shoulders and shakes him]
- Kyle: ...they let ya have it.
- [last lines]
- Andy Barclay: Where are we going now?
- Kyle: The only place we can go: home.
- Andy Barclay: But where's home?
- Kyle: I have no idea, Andy... But it'll come to me.
- [She smiles at him]
- Kyle: Looks like I'm stuck with you.
- Andy Barclay: [smiling back] I can deal if you can.
- [They walk off together]
- Andy Barclay: Kyle, do you miss your mom and dad?
- Kyle: Can't miss someone you never knew.
- Andy Barclay: Where are they?
- Kyle: I don't know. My dad left before I was born, and my mom put me up for adoption when I was three.
- Andy Barclay: Do you remember her?
- Kyle: I made it a point to forget. It's easier that way. Break time. Move over.
- [sits down on swing]
- Andy Barclay: Want a push?
- Kyle: No thank you.
- Andy Barclay: Come on, it's fun.
- Kyle: Please Andy? I just wanna sit here, okay?
- Andy Barclay: Too late. There you go.
- Kyle: Andy come on! Stop it!
- Andy Barclay: [laughs] No.
- Kyle: Andy I'll kill you. Come on, let me off! Andy! I'll get you.
- Phil: Dinner! Come and get it!
- Kyle: Ahh. Mayhem. Come on, I'll race ya.
- Andy Barclay: No fair. You get a head start.
- Kyle: Excuses, excuses. Don't forget your doll.
- Phil: Make yourself comfortable Andy.
- Andy Barclay: Thanks.
- Phil: I've got to go back to the office, later this afternoon.
- Joanne: I thought you finished everything there.
- Phil: Yeah, but I...
- [Andy continues to look around before he kneels down and touches an antique statue]
- Phil: Uh, uh, uh. First rule, don't touch the old stuff.
- Andy Barclay: Sorry.
- Phil: Well, that's okay. No foul. It's just that we collect this stuff. And a lot of it's kind of fragile.
- Joanne: You like it?
- Andy Barclay: Mmm-hmm.
- Joanne: It's been in my family for three generations. You see, my grandmother gave it to my mother, and my mother gave it to me.
- Andy Barclay: And who're you gonna give it to?
- Joanne: [hesitates before handing Andy his suitcase] Why don't you take this upstairs and explore? I'll be up there in a minute.
- Andy Barclay: Okay.
- Joanne: [after Andy leaves] You like him?
- Phil: Oh, I'll get used to him.
- Social Worker: Andy? You still dreamin' about Chucky?
- Andy Barclay: Sometimes.
- Social Worker: You wanna talk about it?
- Andy Barclay: [firmly] No.
- Social Worker: Come on Andy. Remember what I told you? Talking helps make the
- Social Worker, Andy Barclay: nightmares go away.
- Andy Barclay: Well, Chucky was trying to take over my soul.
- Social Worker: Why Andy?
- Andy Barclay: There was this bad man who got inside my Good Guy doll. So he wouldn't have to go to Hell, but then he wanted to get inside me.
- Social Worker: Why?
- Andy Barclay: 'Cause if he stayed inside the doll too long. He'd get trapped in there. He needed me 'cause I was the first person he told his secret to.
- Social Worker: What secret?
- Andy Barclay: That his real name was Charles Lee Ray.
- Social Worker: Boy, that's a scary dream.
- Andy Barclay: It was.
- Social Worker: You know dreams can't hurt ya. Dreams aren't real. Right?
- Andy Barclay: [smiles] Right.
- Phil: Andy, what's this all about?
- Andy Barclay: Chucky followed me to school. He tried to get me again, so I ran home.
- Phil: [turns to Joanne] Do you have any idea what he's talking about?
- Joanne: His teacher called. Said she was keeping him after school for detention. She said he wrote an obscenity on his paper.
- Andy Barclay: Chucky did it.
- Phil: All right, Andy, come on. Now, this is going to stop. I will not allow this foolishness in my house. Do you understand? Open the door.
- Joanne: Aw, Phil.
- Phil: [turns to her] Joanne, please.
- [turns back to Andy]
- Phil: Open the door. Open it!
- [Andy looks back up at him]
- Phil: Open it!
- [he began to opens the door]
- Phil: Now, I want you to look down there and tell me what you see.
- Andy Barclay: It's Chucky. But, he's...
- Phil: His name is Tommy. And he's been there since last night, hasn't he?
- [Andy doesn't answer]
- Phil: Hasn't he?
- [moves Andy aside and closes door]
- Grace Poole: Andy, you'll be fine now. You'll come stay at the Center with us until we can find you a new family. We've placed Kyle with a number of families. Things always seem to turn out okay. Don't they?
- Kyle: Yeah.
- [hands Andy his suitcase]
- Kyle: There's your stuff.
- Grace Poole: Come on Andy. Let's go.
- Andy Barclay: He's still in the cellar Kyle. Don't let him get you too.
- Grace Poole: Andy!
- Kyle: It's not the end of the world.
- Andy Barclay: But they're gonna send me away.
- Kyle: Andy, you'll be okay.
- Andy Barclay: Where will I go?
- Kyle: I've lived with dozens of different families. And they always seem to send me away just when I'm getting comfortable. But you know what?
- Andy Barclay: What?
- Kyle: Everytime it happens, it just makes me stronger. Because it reminds me that the only one I can count on is myself. Okay, and now you have to learn that. I know it sounds tough. But you'll deal with it.
- Andy Barclay: It doesn't matter - wherever I go, Chucky will find me.
- Mattson: Good morning, Mr. Sullivan.
- Mr. Sullivan: I have an important meeting in a few minutes with some very jittery stockholders, Mattson. I hope you have good news for me.
- Mattson: Yes sir, I do sir. Every supermarket tabloid in the country's running headlines about Andy Barclay and his killer Good Guy doll.
- Mr. Sullivan: What about his mother and the police were on the case?
- Mattson: The police were smart, they denied everything. Which is fine which means now they can't hurt us. But, the mother's a different matter. She backed up her boy's story in court, so now she's under psychiatric observation.
- Mr. Sullivan: Where's the boy now?
- Mattson: Midtown Children's Crisis Center. Foster custody pending.
- Mr. Sullivan: My stomach hurts, Mattson. Is this what you call "good news?"
- Mattson: Yes, sir - well, I'm getting to that sir. A lot of...
- Worker: [walks by] Good morning, Mr. Sullivan.
- Mattson: A lot of people believe that some joker, here at the company, must've tampered with the doll's voice cassette. You know, like "Hi, I'm Chucky. I'm the Lakeshore Strangler. And I'm gonna kill you!"
- [laughs]
- Mattson: Something like - well, something like that. But the "good news", Mr. Sullivan, is that now - we've got the doll. We rebuilt it from head to toe. A lot of it was burned to a crisp. But everything checks out the voice cassette, servomechanism, we found absolutely nothing.
- [hands Mr. Sullivan a file]
- Mattson: This is a quality-controlled report. I'm sure it will make the stockholders very happy.
- Mr. Sullivan: I want to see the doll for myself.
- Mattson: Certainly.
- [knocks on glass window]
- Mattson: Gentlemen, Mr. Sullivan's here.
- Technician: Well, give us a minute we're not used to making them manually.
- [punches code into machine]
- Technician: [machine malfunctions]
- Technician: What's wrong?
- Technician: I don't know, it's stuck?
- Mattson: [growing nervous] They'll have this... worked out.
- Phil: Here it is.
- Joanne: What do you think?
- Andy Barclay: We've never lived in a house before. Just apartments.
- Phil: Well, you know what they say, a house just isn't a home without children.
- Joanne: This is your room, right here.
- [opens door]
- Joanne: I made those curtains just for you. I bet blue is your favorite color. Take a look around. I'll start to unpack.
- Andy Barclay: [takes a model toy train out of a toy chest] Wow!
- Joanne: [laughs] I thought you might like those. Um, there's more in the closet. Before dinner, we'll go explore the backyard. And later, I'll read you some stories. Would you like that? There's lots of kids your age in the neighborhood Andy. I'm sure you're gonna make all sorts of new friends.
- Andy Barclay: [pulls down a skateboard off the top shelf of his closet and out falls Tommy] Aah!
- [runs out of room into Phil]
- Phil: Hey, hey, hey. Andy, rule number two, no running in the house. It's only a doll. Andy are you listening to me?
- Joanne: Oh Andy I'm so sorry I didn't realize that was in there. We've got so many children in here, it's hard to keep track of things. Don't worry I'll get rid of it.
- Tommy: Hi, I'm Tommy. And I'm your friend to the end. Hidey ho. Ha ha ha.
- Joanne: Why don't you get settled in. And then we'll have some dinner.
- Mattson: Every headline in the country is reading about Andy Barclay and his killer Good Guy doll.
- Mr. Sullivan: What about his mother and the police were on the case?
- Mattson: The police were smart, they denied everything. Which is fine which means now they can't hurt us. But the mother's a different matter. She backed up her boy's story in court, so now she's under psychiatric observation.
- Mr. Sullivan: My stomach hurts Mattson. Is this what you call "good news?"
- Mattson: Yes sir - well I'm getting to that sir. A lot of people...
- Worker: Good morning, Mr. Sullivan.
- Mattson: A lot of people believe that some joker here at the company must've tampered with the doll's voice cassette. You know like "Hi, I'm Chucky. I'm the Lakeshore Strangler. And I'm gonna kill you!"
- [laughs]
- Mattson: Something like that - well something like that. But the "good news" Mr Sullivan is that now, we've got the doll. We rebuilt it from head to toe. But everything checks out the voice cassette, servomechanism, we've found absolutely nothing.
- [hands Mr. Sullivan a file]
- Mattson: This is a quality-controlled report. I'm sure it will make the stock holders very happy.
- Mr. Sullivan: I want to see the doll for myself.
- Mattson: Certainly.
- [knocks on glass window]
- Mattson: Gentlemen, Mr. Sullivan's here.
- Technician: Well give us a minute, we're not used to making them manually.
- Chucky: [Chucky holds Mattson at 'gun point'] Put your arms behind the seat.
- Mattson: What?
- Chucky: Do it!
- Mattson: Take it easy! Take it easy! Please, don't, don't shoot. I don't carry cash. I have a gold card. I'll give you anything you want. Tell me what you want.
- Chucky: Freeze asshole!
- Mattson: Take the car. And you can drop me off but please leave alone. Please!
- [Cried in fear]
- Chucky: [Using a water gun] Bang! You're dead!
- Phil: [DELETED SCENE: he is doling out yet another lecture to Andy, who has had yet another run-in with Chucky] ... Remember what I told you, mister? Rule Number Four: We don't lock doors in this house. Ever.
- Kyle: [looking on] No, I'm sure we post a sign which reads "Burglars, please knock before entering". Or don't they sell doors without locks?
- Phil: You. Stay out of this. I mean it.
- Kyle: Come on, Andy. We're late.
- Joanne: Andy! Don't forget your lunch, egg salad.
- Kyle: Ooh, yum. Now, whatever you do, don't act nervous, okay? They'll smell a new kid a mile off. Just act where you belong. What are you looking for?
- Andy Barclay: Nothing.
- Kyle: Is it CHUCKY coming to get you? Andy, how did you manage to tie yourself up like that last night?
- Andy Barclay: I already told you.
- Kyle: Get real.
- Andy Barclay: You're just like everyone else. You don't believe me either.
- Kyle: Hey, Adam.
- Adam: Kyle, why'd you leave so early last night? You missed all the fun.
- Kyle: Story of my life.
- Van Driver: [grabs Kyle] Hey! Just what in the hell do you think you're doing?
- Kyle: Let me go! Let me go!
- [she sees that Andy is running with Chucky, while he is holding him]
- Van Driver: What the fuck's wrong with you?
- Kyle: Let go!
- [pushes the Van Driver]
- Van Driver: Crazy bitch!
- [Miss Kettlewell looking at the papers. But, it says obscenity on the paper for Andy. He opens the toy cupboard, reveals it was Chucky. Andy gasps and runs. But, Miss Kettlewell grabs him]
- Miss Kettlewell: Andy! You think this is funny?
- Andy Barclay: [sees his obscenity paper] I didn't do that!
- [the alarm bell rings and the children leaving out of School]
- Miss Kettlewell: [to the children] Go ahead, kids. Don't forget the spelling test tomorrow!
- [to Andy, putting him in the desk]
- Miss Kettlewell: Not you! Come over here, sit down and get comfy, you're going to be here for a while!
- Andy Barclay: But I didn't do it, I swear!
- Miss Kettlewell: No? Then who did?
- [He doesn't concerned and she looks at the Chucky doll]
- Miss Kettlewell: Don't even think about it.
- [she grabs Chucky out and turns to Andy]
- Miss Kettlewell: No toys! Head down!
- [she walking to the gym closet. She puts his obscenity paper back on the desk, takes the keys and throws Chucky inside and closes, locks the door. She walking and turns to him]
- Miss Kettlewell: Head down!
- [she walks out of the class, close and locks the door]
- Mr. Sullivan: Mattson, I don't care what it takes. Put a lid on this.
- Mattson: Yes sir. that's not a problem. I'll take care...
- Mr. Sullivan: You listen to me. You smuggle this error out of here in 24 hours you got that.
- Mattson: Yes, sir.
- Mr. Sullivan: Now if you will excuse me... I've got a meeting I've got to get to. As far as the stockholders and I are concerned, this matter is finished.
- Mattson: Yes sir.
- [notices Chucky sitting on the floor]
- Mattson: What do you want me to do with the doll?
- Mr. Sullivan: [looks at Chucky, then at Mattson] Stick it up your ass.
- [walks out the door]
- Chucky: Come on! Step on it!
- Kyle: Fine! We'll just get pulled over again!
- [Latches her seat belt on]
- Chucky: Just shut up and drive before I kick your fuckin' teeth in!
- [Kyle suddenly stops the car, and Chucky flies out of the car and breaks through the windshield; Kyle looks around for a few seconds]
- Chucky: [Pops out and pins the knife to the hood] Raaaargh!
- [Kyle reacts and accelerates the car in high gear]
- Chucky: Unngh! You goddamn women drivers!