Robin Harris credited as playing...
- Pop: [When Kid is about to go to bed] I wouldn't do that just yet.
- [smack]
- Pop: 'Cause your ass is mine.
- Kid: [music starts] Look, Pop, I can explain...
- Pop: I'll whip that damn high top fade up off ya. I'm sick of your shit. I done worked too hard and too
- [smack]
- Pop: LONG for you to be running over me like you're outta your damn mind. I done walked all across this damn city, got stopped by the
- [smack]
- Pop: GOD-damn law, looking for your monkey ass.
- [Kid: Pop!]
- Pop: All y'all kids over there dancing,
- [smack]
- Pop: doing the grind, and the
- [smack]
- Pop: PEEPIN' and hiding, but I know your ass. You was there, wasn't ya? Wasn't ya? Wasn't ya? WASN'T YA?
- [smack]
- Pop: I'm running the show around here. I'm wearing the pants and the apron, and I'm wearing yo' ass OUT!
- [4 smacks]
- Pop: Whip ya 'till I get sleepy, 'cause I'm wide awoke, 'cause I
- [smack]
- Pop: JUST woke up. You think 'cause you're, you're big and yellow, I'm supposed to be like Mello. Hell
- [smack]
- Pop: NAW! I'll start a fight in an empty
- [smack]
- Pop: ROOM!
- [Kid: Ow!]
- Pop: You can call Child Abusers if you
- [smack]
- Pop: WANT to, but they better not come in here 'cause I'll kick their ass too.
- [3 smacks]
- Pop: I'm gonna give you a whipping from now ON! I'll kick the cowboy shit out of you.
- [horse neigh, gallop, smack]
- Kid: Hey, Pop! Pop!
- Pop: Get your ass to bed. And don't wake up 'till I TELL you to!
- Pop: Ah, I shoulda known you was at this Party, and ya know, with all that Jheri Curl juice you got in your hair, you better not Ever do a crime! The police won't have any problem finding you! "Follow the drip, follow the drip!"
- Pop: I gotta get this fan fixed. It's so hot in here, I could'a sworn I saw the Devil sittin' in the living room.
- Sidney: [Kid and Sharane are upstairs and Sidney is trying to stop Pop from going up there] Play told me to sit here and make sure nobody goes upstairs... because his parents just got new carpet, right, and um, he don't want nobody with no shit all their shoes... Ooh, did I say shit?
- Pop: You did too say shit. You trying to talk about my shoes?