Jetsons: The Movie (1990)
Ronnie Schell: Rudy 2
Mr. Spaceley : [to Rudy 2] Where's Jetson, and why is the plant shut down?
Rudy 2 : It's the middle of the night, sir.
Mr. Spaceley : Machines don't sleep. Start it up! Every second lost means money lost. And money lost means I scream *a lot*!
George Jetson : Hey, you've done everything.
Rudy 2 : Everything but press the button that gets it all going. That's your job, George, and Mr. Spaceley says you're the best.
George Jetson : Well I wouldn't say that... but - well yes, maybe I would.
[explaining how the factory works]
Rudy 2 : There's the drilling bore. It brings up the ore.
George Jetson : The bore brings up the ore, got it!
[hits the start-up button]
Rudy 2 : The ore makes the sprockets.
George Jetson : The ore makes the sprockets?
Rudy 2 : Uh-huh.
George Jetson : Uh-huh.
Rudy 2 : Pack the sprockets into packets.
George Jetson : Sack the packets into brackets?
Rudy 2 : For the lockers.
George Jetson : For the lockers!
Rudy 2 : Lock the sprocket locker key in the pocket of your jacket.
George Jetson : Got the sprocket locker key in my outer jacket pocket.
Rudy 2 : Are you ready?
George Jetson : I'm ready.
Rudy 2 : Take the bore ore sprocket packets from the packet brackets.
George Jetson : And we rocket...
Rudy 2 : While we're rappin'.
Rudy 2 , George Jetson : Yes we rocket while we're rappin' and we're rockin' and a rollin' and we rocket the sprockets to Spacely. Yeah!
Rudy 2 : There's something going on here, George, the two sprockett lockers were unscrewed from the lock sprockett sockets.
George Jetson : Say that again.
Rudy 2 : I can't.