1 review
I remember seeing this and another work with the same director and actors (Die Kunst Ein Mann zu Sein) in the Kellerkino in Berlin. I wish I could stream them again, mainly out of nostalgia for Berlin and Kreuzberg, but I did enjoy the narration of these two films. Both films are shot in black and white with no sound except for narration added in post production. I remember more of the plot of Die Kunst Ein Mann zu Sein than Der König von Kreuzberg, except that it involved a Turk in Berlin who believed he could fly. As I recall, he and his friend worked in a restaurant as cooks or something. The director ran the Kellerkino in Kreuzberg near Kottbusser Tor, which sat about 20 people tops and showed just these two films almost every evening in 1991 and 1992. Why this film has a 1994 release date I can't say. It was possible to order VHS versions of the film back in 1992.