- Max Wiley: ...Come in, Rob. Shut the door, would you? Sit down. Any word on Gary?
- Rob Charters: The cops are looking for him; so is his probation officer. Nothing yet.
- Max Wiley: How long has it been?
- Rob Charters: Two weeks yesterday.
- Max Wiley: Sorry about that... Rob, I didn't want you to hear this from anybody else - I gave the job to Walter Keyes instead of you. I hope you understand.
- Rob Charters: No; as a matter of fact, I don't understand. I'd like to, however.
- Max Wiley: Rob, you know what this job takes. You've got to be a disciplinarian - a surrogate parent - to a hundred kids every day. Under the circumstances, I just don't think you've got that in you.
- Rob Charters: Max, I know how you feel. I used to think all this was happening because Jan and I had done a bad job. But it's not always the parent's fault; look at Scott! Gary's just a problem kid.
- Max Wiley: From where I sit, it doesn't look like you've handled the problem at all.
- Rob Charters: How *would* you handle it, if your kid literally picked you up and threw you clear across the room, if your kid was high on fifteen different drugs? How do most people handle that sort of thing?
- Max Wiley: Look, I had to make a decision, and I went with my instincts.
- Rob Charters: With all due respect, you and your instincts can go to hell.
- Max Wiley: In that case, *with all due respect*, do us both a favor. Go there yourself. And I mean now.
- Rob Charters: Gladly.
- [He spins on his heel and slams out of the office]
- Jan Charters: ...Can't we just forget about Christmas this year? I don't feel much like celebrating, not after...
- Rob Charters: Jan. Having kids doesn't mean giving up the rest of your life. At least, it shouldn't. Besides, we have another son... one who does *not* deserve to have his life ruined.
- Jan Charters: What if Gary never comes back?
- Rob Charters: That's a chance we have to take. We couldn't let him go on like he was. I miss him too, Jan; I missed him long before he was ever gone. But the sooner you and I pick up the pieces of our lives, the better off this family will be.
- Jan Charters: How do you keep a family together when it isn't a family anymore?
- Rob Charters: That's just it - you don't even try to.
- Jan Charters: "Don't even try"?... I wonder if there are even enough pieces left for us to pick up.