I was CRAZY obsessed about this show and never missed an episode. I remember it used to be on with those other two syndicated TBS sitcoms, Down to Earth and Rocky Road, and then one day POOF! They all three disappeared into thin air and were never heard of/mentioned again. I was heartbroken. Before any of you think that I don't have a life, keep in mind that I was about 9 or 10 at the time. I always harbored a secret hope that eventually some other station would air them in syndication or that TBS would show the re-runs at some god-forbidden hour (like 4 a.m. after infomercials), but alas, I haven't come across anything. I'd kill to see re-runs, although I'm sure the passage of time has made this show much more memorable than it ever had the right to be.
I do have to disagree on a few points, however. I found Caroline to be a bit of a one-dimensional character with little personality, so I would definitely quibble with the Grace Manning comparison from O&A. I agree with the person who said that her loony sex-pot friend Amy was ten times more amusing. I also thought the show went down the toilet after they re-cast the lead and added that pain in the ass sidekick Dokie Petersen (I think that was his name). I never saw any of the actors again either, except I remember Gary VanSickle was in Summer School (classic flick). I think the actor probably lost out on most of the '80's token dork roles to Anthony Michael Hall and disappeared into oblivion or something.
Also, I'm almost POSITIVE that this show aired before 1986. I clearly remember being in 3rd grade when it was on the air, which would have put it in either 1984 or 85.
Alright, enough reminiscing. I sincerely hope someone else responds to this. I know this show was pretty forgettable, but it would be kinda cool to get a little forum/discussion going.